But, I have a new one that makes no sense. And it seems way less technical than 90% of the question you all share here, that have amazing insight. Thank you!
Here is the issue. I created a new page. Its published as of yesterday. It’s status is published. Its order is #7, no other number 7’s. It is the 7th main menu page as well. Its a new site with limited plugins and nothing fancy, other than elementor.
Thank you all for the help!
]]>I have 3 sites on a multisite istall, where main menu is slightly sqeezed left on all of them. Both computer and mobile. I have no idea what is causing this. Any ideas?
]]>I recently added 3 new languages to my site while I already had 3 others and I wanted to add them to my main menu where i have this structure:
Current Language as the main menu item and then as sub items I have English, Language 1, Language 2
Now when I added Language 3, Language 4 and Language 5 and I drag them as sub items to the Current Language menu, after I save they refuse to become sub-items and show as Language 3 (Pending) instead.
Any idea why this might be?
The result of them not wanting to become sub-items is that they flooded now my actual main navigation of the website.
]]>I’ve included a screenshot here: https://ibb.co/PWHMmmt
Thanks in advance
]]>Is there a way to remove/suppress this?
]]>Thanks for your help
]]>I have tried everything: I’ve fooled around with the Menus and followed Organic Themes instructions for adding “Custom Links” that will auto-generate the icons then I placed them in the “Social Menu,” but nothing shows up. I tried using Custom Links in the Main Menu, and it just makes text links. I tried removing my “Metaslider” Carousel I added into the Header *.php code, but no change. The only thing I could get to show up was a “Social Icons” widget from Jetpack in the “Default Sidebar,” but I refuse to use it because it makes a second very wide menu to the right that squishes my site in between two menus only for a few small icons. I’ve also cleared my cache, and all my plugins, theme, browser, php, etc. are up to date.
Please is there anything I can do? A plugin I can install? Some code I can paste somewhere? I’ll try anything to get these icons to show up at the bottom of the Main Menu.
I′m currently working on a site ( https://mrdsoluciones.com.ar/ ), hosted by Hostinger and with the Neve theme active.
I can′t seem to create subcategories for my Main Menu. Although I′ve placed the secondary items under the primary ones and to the right, the landing page will show them like they′ve all got the same hierarchy.
Here′s how it looks:
How can I fix this?
Thanks in advance!
]]>I am using Zeever theme, it works great on a desktop. However, I accessed it on a mobile phone today and it does not display the home page correctly (android, Chrome browser). The main menu does not work at all on my phone. I cannot edit the menu in WordPress under “Appearance > Menus” because it does not connect to the menu on the home page at all. If I make changes to the menu, I can do them only in “Appearance > Editor > Navigation” and type the names manually there. Then it would display it on a desktop computer but not on a phone. It seems like the code is broken.
]]>The bugs are actually two:
The issues are reproducible if your menu have several elements (we have 8 primary menu elements, and 3 level deep menu) on first level and below 1400px resolution.