When I add the short code, I can see the form in the WordPress environment. However, when I preview the page (both in Firefox and Chrome), the page just tries to load, and nothing on the page shows. (I did try to turn off the “Loading” pre-loader but that didn’t resolve the issue.)
If anyone has insight on how to resolve this, I would appreciate it.
If it helps:
WordPress – 5.6
Elementor – v3.0.15
Mailchimp for WordPress – 4.8.1
PHP – 7.1
]]>the premium version of the plugin caused a critical error on my website today. I had to deactivate it in recovery mode to make the website work again.
Any idea, why this happened? Used to work fine for about half a year or so now.
Best regards
]]>Form inside a page appearing OK with spacing between lines
Form inside the footer appearing with NO spacing between lines
How I solve it?
Best regards,
bonjour, je vous mets le lien vers le site mais il est en page coming soon pour le moment et je me suis aper?ue de problèmes lors de mes test d’optimisation.
si j’inscris un mail pour simuler un abonnement, il est indiqué le message d’érreur suivant: échec d’abonnement, contactez l’administrateur.
or tout est ok dans mon tableau de bord, clé api et la list mailchimp rafra?chie. seul le nom de domaine n’est pas connecté mais cela ne devrait pas poser de problème?
merci de votre aide
So I created a new text field in my Mailchimp audience table called “testimport2”. I then created a new text field in my Events Manager Booking Forms Editor called “MC4WP-testimport2”. It still only imports the email address, first name, and last name, and not the new field I created. Is there something else I need to do?
As an aside, is there any documentation on how to use Events Manager integration and its features? The only place I could find any information on it was to do a google search of the www.remarpro.com support forums. Thank you.
]]>Simply put, only first time buyers receive the automated e-mail. It is an important e-mail that explains how you can start working with the product that the customer has purchased. We want all customers to receive that automated e-mail every time they purchase a product.
In the settings of your plugin there’s no option that we can find (nor in Mailchimp) that determines that only first time purchases should trigger that type of automation.
Can you advise?
Thanks in afvance.
To test the update, I subscribed 2 existing list members. (I check in Mailchimp to make sure they’re subscribed.) Each time the confirmation message treated the subscribers as new subscribers, with the message:
“Thanks for signing up to receive information about the “Big Berks”!
You will receive an email to verify your email address and confirm that you want to receive news about the Big Berks Conference. Please confirm your subscription.”
There was no email confirmation message. In the past, the confirmation message indicated that the email address was already subscribed. Despite the above confirmation message, today’s Debug Log has a Warning that one of the email addresses is already subscribed.
I did all the trouble-shooting on the “Fix the “oops something went wrong” error” page (https://kb.mc4wp.com/fix-the-oops-something-went-wrong-error/), including updating the API key.
Other problem with the update that was solved
After the last (4.5.4) update, the MC4WP form gave a consistent “This field is required.” error message on the reCAPTCHA box – even though the reCAPTCHA box was green checked.
We were using WPForms v1.5.5 for the signup form, with Google Google Checkbox v2 reCAPTCHA enabled. WPForms is up-to-date. All plugins are up-to-date, on WordPress 5.2.3, PHP 7.3.
Disabling Google Check v2 reCAPTCHA and using the Captcha option in WPForms solved this problem.
]]>Error Logs:
[Moderated: Giant paste removed.]
]]>Is there a way to extract the email addresses from the logs? I tested this back when I first set it up, and it was working, but now realize it stopped working last year some time. I would love to be able to get those email addresses.