I changed the mail server to Microsoft Exchange. DNS Settings are correct, Email is working, all mails are landing in the Inbox of the new Exchange mail server…
BUT all Mails sending via the WordPress Website are still landing in the Inbox of the “old” Server. Is there some Caching going on? Is there a way I can change this?
Thank you
]]>This bug is independent of the external mail server, and happens across different external servers.
Other plugins that send mail, such as Newsletter, have a setting that allows administrators to select an external mail server.
]]>Hi everyone !
I set up Mail Poet, using it’s own sending service, and so far everything’s fine : I checked my SPF et DKIM records with “mail-tester.com”, I authorized my sending e-mail address… and many subscribers get my Newsletters (at least, half of the 500 contacts of my list). What a wonderful world.
Except for one particular mail server only (laposte.net) : for this one, the newsletters don’t even go to the spam folder, it appears that they just don’t reach the mailbox, despite of the fact that the Mail Poet statistics tells me the newsletters have been properly sent. I don’t get bounces, error messages or anything. And if I write a simple e-mail from my host provider mail box to that particular e-mail server (laposte.net), it works just fine. Seems that the issue comes from the communication between Mail Poet and laposte.net.
Do you have any idea why that evil e-mail server is angry against Mail Poet, and what I could do about it ?
It’s quite annoying : I have no way to communicate with many of my customers, all those who use that popular (and apparently crappy) french e-mail service provider…
Thank you very much for your advice !
Will I still be able to receive mail messages people sent through the WordPress site?