I have recently started using mailpoet for Opt in forms and sending automated emails to my customers. I am using the free plan right now but i have few questions before I think of upgrading it.
1- Are there more email templates available in the paid version because the free ones are not of my use.. if not then is there a way we can import an external Static and Dynamic email template for using?
2- The Coupon emails are going to spam of the customer which is not good because it reduces the trust value. Can you share if the paid plan makes it right or there is something else needed to be done.
thank you
]]>A message that you sent was rejected by the local scanning code that
checks incoming messages on this system. The following error was given:
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Received: from localhost ([]) by wp296.webpack.hosteurope.de running ExIM with local
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To: [email protected]
Subject: =?utf-8?Q?Deine_w=C3=B6chentliche_WPForms-Zusammenfassung_f?=
X-PHP-Script: www.broecker-meckenheim.de/wp-cron.php for,
Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2022 13:14:21 +0000
From: =?utf-8?Q?Annette_Br=C3=B6cker_-_Meckenheim?= <[email protected]>
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]]>My orders all show as “success” and members are not receiving the confirmation email, although they receive password reset email and others. I’ve of course reminded them to check spam.
i bought a membership myself to test the process… everything works great except getting that final welcome email… payment processor is stripe, btw.
i added wp mail logging, and it SHOWS that it sent it… but it never arrived.
Also, looking at mail logging, i’m realizing that i have NEVER received the admin notice of a new member! I had no idea Subject line is “Member checkout for Individual Membership…” I have NEVER seen one of these. It shows it sent, to the correct address, but it never arrived.
To be clear, I tested the purchase on a completely different email address than the admin email… but for the admin notice, could it be something to do with send/receive to same email? our email is run thru microsoft exchange, could it be rejecting email i send to myself? I could set up a new email for these i guess.
Now, prior to this i spent a good while today validating mail deliverability – dmarc, dkim, spf and they all validate… so it shouldn’t be that either.
would love more thoughts on what to check!
]]>I can easily send email using PHP mail(…) and even match the same from / to and subject line (just to ensure emails are not being spammed) – I then even tried embedding HTML (just to check again, wasn’t getting caught for spam) and all these come through fine
But nothing appears to come through from CF7 – so far as I can tell it doesn’t even use the To/From fields entered in the form settings
Naturally since I know emails are working on the host, I’ve then tried updating the to/from addresses but in no cases does anything get sent.
Any help greatly appreciated