I have been searching through forums for hours, altering the CSS code to try change it but nothing is working. Can anyone help!?
My site is www.onewaytokathmandu.com
I am using the Magnifique theme from CSSIgniter.
Thanks in advance!
]]>I have been trying to set the correct selectors for the theme Magnifique by CSSIgniter:
The selectors below are getting close to accomplishing the infinite scroll.
The problem is that once someone scrolls to the bottom, it loads the next set
of posts and the latest posts already being displayed. It loads the posts
over and over, in an infinite loop. This results in the page becoming infinitely
long/growing. The only way to stop the constant loading of new posts is
to refresh the page.
My current selectors:
Content Selector:
Navigation Selector:
.paging .row
Next Selector:
.paging .prev a
Item Selector:
You can inspect the link above to find the appropriate selectors,
as my site is currently not published. An advanced thank you to
anyone who can/wants to help.