I need it to be like “30 december 2024” instead, but I haven’t figured out how to change that formatting yet. The WordPress general settings have already been set up to use the desired format, but the Pods template won’t load that version in.
Does anyone know how to change the standard date formatting to be like ‘j F Y’?
Thanks in advance!
]]>I’ve seen others struggle with the same issue but have yet to find a straight answer to how to make it work.
I’m using the WP theme Twenty Twentyfour in combination with Pods and have created a CPT with custom fields. In Twenty Twentyfour, you can easily create templates for individual posts and archives. Templates work as intended for individual posts, including auto templates. However, I still need to figure out a solution for archive templates. The archive is certainly displayed, but only, e.g., regular headings.
I have activated the Excerpt option in the “Advanced Tab ” and tried enabling “Auto template” with “Filter: the_excerpt.”
So the Pods Blocks display nothing, and nor does the Auto template.
My idea is to use IF conditional tags to show with an icon, e.g., if some PDF document is attached to the post (one of the custom fields).
As an experiment, I have now tried the Plugin “Meta Field Block,” and for some reason, that works, but the native Pods blocks don’t. Of course, I would like to get the native Pods blocks to work, even in the Archive templates, but how?
]]>I have 2 related pods the first is “cars” and the 2nd is “races“. “cars” has a relation field called “cars_races” who has a relation with field “car_rel” from “races“. I save “cars” pictures in a custom folder path ending in “storage/cars/{@ID}”. How can I save “races” pictures inside its related car folder?
I tried with this:
But the image is saved out of the related car.
]]>I am using pods in conjunction with WP WordPress Manager. I have a POD setup with a relationship field that links to a WP Download Manager Post.
I now want to display a download link for the WP download Manager post (I am creating a POD template to do this), which usually I would do this with: echo do_shortcode(“[wpdm_package id=’???’ template=’link-template-button’]”)
The ID of the WP Dwonload Post I can get with magic link {@resource_link_protected.ID}, but I am struggling to use it to display the shortcode
I have tried
echo do_shortcode(“[wpdm_package id='{@resource_link_protected.ID}’ template=’link-template-button’]”)
$protected_id = ‘{@resource_link_protected.ID}’;
echo do_shortcode(“[wpdm_package id=’$protected_id’ template=’link-template-button’]”)
If I do
$protected_id = ‘1554’;
echo do_shortcode(“[wpdm_package id=’$protected_id’ template=’link-template-button’]”)
Then I get the download link, So I am struggling getting {@resource_link_protected.ID} into a variable or use in a shortcode
Any Ideas?
In the settings for the field under the File / Image / Video Options tab…
If you have File Uploader > Upload only (Plupload) selected…
There is an option to set Custom Upload Directory, which has the help tooltip: “Magic tags are allowed for this field. The path is relative to the /wp-content/uploads/ folder on your site.“
How are you supposed to use Magic Tags in this field?
No matter what I try, I can’t get the Magic Tags to render. When I try something like {@id} it is replaced with nothing.
For example, if I have it set as “custom_folder/post_{@id}”, the file will be uploaded to the folder “custom_folder/post_”.
What Magic Tags are allowed here?
I would like to do something like “/u_{@username}/p_{@id}” (where @id I’m assuming is the post/page id…?)
Any suggestions?
]]>I am using Pods template to show details about authors and listing all their posts.
I have bidirectional relationship field connecting posts with custom post type “authors”. In order by field I entered this:
t.post_date DESC
Using instructions from here:
I am displaying list of authors’ posts using [each] in Pods template.
I get a list of posts by that author as I wanted and I display date and link to each post, but list is sorted by name (not by date as requested) and also for some reason in each loop post_name returns ok but post_title nothing?
Hope there is easy solution to this?
Thank you.
]]>I have the following code on a singular page for a community. What I’m trying to do is display the other communities of the same type. The query works, as I can tell I’m getting the proper number of responses back. But when I try and output information from the returned results, the magic tags resolve to the current page I’m on and not the query results.
In other words, I’m on the ‘Miami’ community page. The returned results should be ‘Broward’ and ‘Palm Beach’, but instead, I just get ‘Miami’ for each result.
Is there a way to have the magic tags resolve to the results and not the page I’m on?
[pods name="community" limit="30" where="geotype.meta_value = '{@geotype}'"]
<li>x{@post_title}</li> <!--- magic tag method -->
<li>y[pods field="post_title"]</li> <!--- shortcode method -->
]]>Date: ?1924
Type: ?Apartment Building
Landmark Status:? Historic District
Architect: ?Herts & Tallant
Fa?ade (primary material): ?Brick and Stone
Stories: ?6
Wish List:? [pods]{@wishlist}[/pods]`
I don’t see the tags anywhere, but they’re working.
Has something changed in recent versions of Pods I might have missed that would cause this situation? Any insight you could provide would be appreciated.
Deb Sher
‘ label (singular/plural) instead of the pods
‘ name using magic-tags in a template? post_type
returns the pods
‘ name. I have tried appending label, singular, singular_label but nothing is output. Is it something so obvious that I am missing?