I made a template for multiple popups on same page with Pods. Now I also want to close the popup by clicking outside the popup. Therefore I need to use javascript. How can I use the Id selector generated by a Magic tag in Javascript?
Thanks in advance.
]]>I’ve got a problem with ninja forms.
I just changed from caldera forms to ninja forms.
In my caldera form I hat a magic tag called “get…”. With this, I could set a link on a site and with this link a new site with a form popped up, in a line was written the text I set into the link.
For example:
On a site is a workshop, called “Seminar for website builders 2022/02/10”
This text is a link, with this link you come to a site with the registration for the seminar. In the form is a single line in which exactly this text is written “Seminar for website builders 2022/02/10”
So the admin of the site knows, when he gets the registration form, for which seminar the user wants to registrate.
Unfortunately I can’t find and use this possibility in Ninja Forms.
Can anyone help?
Thank you ver much in advance!
Everything seems okay, I can write HTML or php inside archive-test.php and see it without problem BUT I want to use magic tag inside how should I do please ?
]]>I have a CPT call “Sports” using the category taxonomy call “Handicaps”.
I’m using all the handicaps as filters for my sports on the “All sports” page.
But i would like to display only some of those Handicaps on each one of the sport (cpt/post).
I’m using Pods template with the magic tag {@handicap}, so it does show all the Handicaps, but how i can exclude some of them from showing?
I would like to do something like excluding slug or id, but i’m not sure i can do it into magic tag. Is there a way to do it?
Do i have to create a php template, who is seems harder than doing it from wp dashboard using pods template.
I hope it makes sense. Thank you all for helping me out
I used a radio button for different shipping costs. On screen it works perfect, but in the mail shipping costs aren’t added. I don’t understand why. Please help.
]]>The summary magic tag {summary} only shows first character of the field in emails sent.
Using %name_field% works good.
How to solve this issue?
]]>Inside a pods template for a single Walk I can do:
Latitude: {@walk_place.latitude}
and this outputs the latitude field correctly.
However, the walk_place field is optional, so I want to do:
[if walk_place]
Latitude: {@walk_place.latitude}
However, this just outputs the string “Latitude:” but not the value.
What should I be doing? (I’ve also tried just {@latitude} but it doesn’t work either).
Thanks for your help,
I’ve found a workaround which is to extract the alt attribute from the img tag returned by the @photo._img magic tag:
and then I’ve defined my own function to extract the value of the alt attribute, if it exists:
function wis_extract_caption($imgtag) {
$alt_start = strpos($imgtag, 'alt="');
if ($alt_start) { // there is a caption
$alt_finish = strpos($imgtag, '"', $alt_start + 5);
$caption = substr($imgtag, $alt_start+5, $alt_finish - $alt_start - 5);
} else {
$caption = "";
return $caption;
This works because Pods inserts the image caption as the alt attribute within the html img tag. However, I feel that adopting this approach is a bit risky, because it might not work in the future if anything changes there.
Is there some way to get at the image caption via a magic tag?
]]>I try to to send some $_SERVER variables with the email. After a while of searching I found that example:
add_filter( 'caldera_forms_do_magic_tag' , 'my_magic_tag_function' );
function my_magic_tag_function( $magic_tag ){
if( $magic_tag == '{my_magic_tag}' ){
return 'my tag value'; // get the value fro DB or where ever and return it.
return $magic_tag;
But it will not work. I inserted {my_magic_tag} inside the email message and have expected to get “my tag value” in output, but only get {my_magic_tag}. What do I wrong?
thanks for your help,