Example: Field Value is 5, instead of the macro appears 55
]]>“It looks like you’re trying to accept an invitation to join the site, but some information is missing. Please try again by clicking on the link in the invitation email.”
See issue https://prnt.sc/mhrw9k
The information it is missing is the user’s email address. What could be causing this issue?? Would appreciate any advice.
]]>I wonder if someone is familiar with a solution for the following:
I do a lot of similar actions in admin-screen and it would be very time-saving when it would be possible to automatize some actions like:
– after editing profile from a subscriber to be redirected to an admin-url of my choice and avoid the boring “profile is saved” message and also another click in the menu to activate the following action (in my case a user-list from AMR-users).
I am looking for a plugin or code-snippet that makes that kind of macro’s or redirects possible and spend some hours to search. Without results.
Would be nice if someone has a clue.
]]>I am working with Excel VBA (2013) and would like to add a page on my site for my user to access and have a real-time worksheet to populate but with my vba coding. I already have a .xlsm, which works perfectly, and would like to know if there is a way WordPress could implement this workbook in a page where the user could use this workbook and update the page from server over a click of a button.
To be more clear is there a way to have users to input information on my website and it would save in real time?
Can an excel VBA enable or other type of function, can be implemented with WordPress so that the user can add information to my site?
I am willing to learn more about this function…or other method that one can use to make this possible. IE: website for learning this or tips and tools I could use.
Thank you all
]]>I am putting a list of events on my page and would like to abstract out the formatting using a simple macro. For example, something like \event{name}{location}{date} could produce name, location, date or date, location, name depending on how the macro is defined.
From searching the forums I have found several possible ways to do this including converting from latex, scripting php, using a database, and using separate plugins, and I was wondering if anyone had recommendations on the easiest way to do this for a beginner? A link to reading material for the more advanced ways would also be useful as well.
Thank you in advance for any direction
]]>I posted about this the other day, but did not get a reply. I am looking for a way to record a macro or something similar on wordpress. I need to create hundreds of pages using a similar format and manually entering the information into my template is not time effective at all. I want to find a way to enter all the information in one place and have a macro or a plugin insert that information into the correct place in the template I created.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
]]>When I insert the macro {{shipping_method}} in a custom block, it doesn’t show in the proformat, it’s blank, like here:
Every other macro works.