No I checked, and no podcast episode is playing.
But even the WordPress standard player cant play the m4a files.
On the same server at another site everything is working.
So it hast o be a problem with this WordPress installation.
Thank you for help
]]>I can not upload m4a files generated with my ? voice recorder ? of Windows 10 ! I test m4a file save in different computer all in Windows 10, and I have the same problem.
I can upload m4a file we can find in this website for example :
With m4a I create, if I try to upload them in media directory, i have allways ? Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons. ?
I did some different test, and my last configuration is :
– wordpress Version 5.4.2
– Ubuntu 20.04.1 Focal Fossa
– Apache 2
– Mysql version 8.0.20
I did new installation with any plugin and any extension and any theme than default ! I make the test before and after the first update of wordpress : I have allways the same problem for m4a generated by windows 10, voice recorder !
Then it’s not necessaray for me to tcheck for plugin or theme conflicfs. I install no plugin and no theme to test
I can allways upload m4a from, to test…
The version number of voice recorder in my computer is : 10.2004.1202.0, 2018.
I don’t want to use the technique witch is : define(‘ALLOW_UNFILTERED_UPLOADS’, true); in wp-config.php. I don’t think this is a very safe option though.
Thanks for help….
]]>define(‘ALLOW_UNFILTERED_UPLOADS’, true);
in my wp-config.php file. I’m not comfortable with this setting, due to security reasons, but I can’t figure out what limit is being crossed by File B, or how to adjust it.
Any insight into this issue is greatly appreciated.
]]>I see that this error:
“Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons”
was a problem with WP 4.7.2. However, I’m having the same problem with 4.9.8. I’m running on Digital Ocean with a multi-site install. I’ve followed the guidance of a few sites (i.e. and the only way I get this to work is to do this:
in wp-config.php. I don’t think this is a very safe option though.
I don’t understand what is going on. Any help would be appreciated.
]]>on my page, audio files cannot be played on mobile devices (tested in safari on ipad and iphone). When clicking on an mp3 track the player page is loading but then turns into an icon that is crossed through.
PDFs or other documents open fine.
A download is only possible on a computer.
Plugin and WordPress are the latest versions.
This is the shortcode I have on the page itself. I am not a programmer and editing the plugin has not made any difference.
[fileaway type=”table” base=”1″ makedir=”true” paginate=”true” pagesize=”20″ searchlabel=”Find” filenamelabel=”Filename” datelabel=”Date” fadein=”opacity” fadetime=”500″ bulkdownload=”on” directories=”on” manager=”on” dirman_access=”administrator,contributor” textalign=”left” bannerize=”3″][fileup base=”3″ makedir=”true” uploadlabel=”Upload” matchdrawer=”true”” fadein=”opacity” fadetime=”500″ overwrite=”true” showto=”administrator,contributor” hidefrom=”subscriber” ]
Please help!!!
Thank you
]]>I tried to add to functions.php of theme:
function additional_mime_types( $mimes ) {
$mimes[‘json’] = ‘application/json’;
return $mimes;
add_filter( ‘upload_mimes’, ‘additional_mime_types’ );
Tried to add to functions.php in wp-includes in stroke 2448:
‘json’ => ‘application/json’,
Tried to install WP REST API and PJW Mime Config plugins. Nothing fixes this permittion! :((( Help, please!
]]>Thank you for any help anyone can offer.