Can you make it php 8.1 compatible?
]]>I am developing an Android app include a web view part.
The web is developed by WordPress.
So I need to make a single login for both the app and web view part, which I think should be done by ajax.
I would be thankful if you could guide me how it is possible to have the logins with ajax by using the plugin.
(the plugin works fine with the theme in the website but the problem is with logging in by an Ajax through the app login)
Best regards,
]]>Thank you.
]]>This follows the thread closed : “Main login form loops”
I have sent the same message with the same title on LWA support, and general WP support because login.php is concerned.
The problem is that when the following required conditions are satisfied :
The connection to the “redirect_to” url is impossible, the lonely solution is to close the page and forget the idea to reload this url.
Common message (into a begun thread) is :
The problem is quite at his end, is it clear for me with a solution that I have developed.
I could not get help because the explanation has finally come with a solution of the problem (four days of work), the observed phenomenon was very complex to explain by text, because of the multiplicity and variability of the circumstances.
Since the beginning each time I tried to be shorter in my explanations… but nobody seems to have understood the problem that I explain again here the most quickly as possible.
Note that LWA is not directly implied nor Query Manager but their interaction during the login.php process. The case is in my opinion important for the login process. This happens when the to plugins are both present and interact with login.php.
The best for checking is to have a video, I produced several but it was remaining rather complicated and long to get a good walk into the implied tabs concerned by the process demonstration and to describe each issue. But now with one day more, I got :
Note that this concerns exclusively the case of the login displayed on the full page display after a failed attempt to load an admin url after an automatic reload by a browser while the user is not yet logged in as admin, ( not with the LWA widget inside a document and obviously no status bar displayed because at the beginning the user is not yet logged in).
So the context to produce the problem
is after restore of several tabs after a crash or from bookmarks :
Note that In this case WP displays automatically the login form with, into the query, the “redirect_to” url that we should reach when logged in as admin. This is what we cannot perform.
I have checked, tested and finally, while explaining, developed a workaround for the problem which is that, from the first display, it is in the 4.8.5 WP version fully impossible to reload such url. The reasons for the fact that “reload the login page inits in fact an infinite loop” are multiple, the main are :
Summarily, if you try, from this first point, to use the login form displayed, no matter the true login situation (connected as admin or not) you cannot reach the redirect_to url, and more you are simply disconnected.
To avoid this you have no solution without complements of code.
The complements of code that I have added (a supplementary js file of one hundred lines loaded by LWA plugin) :
Then, with this tools, when you have logged in as admin (using the proposed link or by an other way), you can use the link to redirect_to.
If you have several login page for admin access you will connect once and after just use the activable link.
I have developed this extension into LWA for two reasons. Because if LWA is not used the phenomenon doesn’t happens, secondarily for not to have to produce a plugin, necessarily heavier, so I directly I uses the development context of LWA. The inconvenient is to have to perform a patch (add an inqueue of the script) into “login_with_ajax.php”. It displays into the common login page when we are into the concerned case :
I have two video of demonstration :
Best regards
]]>Sorry, I had to interrupt my activities about WordPress during quite ten month.
The precedent thread is closed but the problem remains.
I think that I have found more clear explanations.
This concerns exclusively the case of the full page login display, not the widget inside a document (no status bar displayed because the user is not logged in yet, and full page display).
When query monitor is used, after login with ajax, the login page is displayed again but with the query Monitor report under the login form.
At this step :
A particularity is that if you fill at this step (Report displayed) the form with wrong value you will display the login Error (with the report). So if you submit again the login form it will run normally and will reach the redirect_to. This happens because you have created the case of lwa form filled at same time of the Query Monitor have displayed his report.
Another particularity is that if the url refers to a front end document the document will be shown but for a visitor. This come from the fact that by default when you reload an url for front end it shows directly the document for visitor. But naturally if it is for admin it will re-display the login form.
This fact is particularly boring when you have leaved accidentally a browser because you cannot restore at all your admin tabs, while for front end you will have simply to login once and reload each tab to get back them for current user logged in again.
What I have done just today : add for test to query monitor five lines of script which allows to submit a link to the “redirect_to” url. The result is the following :
The result of my analyse is this that there are several problems into query monitor and lwa to make them work together (it is the reason why it was so difficult to explain and understand with more various conditions which can make impossible to reproduce the problem) :
In any case if lwa :
we can reach the solution.
I think that the solution of an action of lwa is better because more general.
Nevertheless it remains the case of the use of the form used to change the current user.
Note : I could develop an extension of my patch which solves the problem adding a JQ script with action on both :
When query monitor runs his report the patch check the user status and if “logged in” the LWA form is unactivated. So normally the link to the url should reach his target.
For now it seems that when the link is activated this launches the Ajax transaction for the current form which is empty and automatically create a disconnection.
When I began to write this I hope to be short… I failed, sorry.
Best regards
]]>An error has occured. Please try again.
]]>You seem not to be interested in the fact that “Query Monitor” appears currently incompatible with “Login with Ajax”
Can you confirm your lack of interest to the fact that users who should wish to use “Login with Ajax” become unable to login from the main form* if they use as admin purposes “Query monitor”
Best regards
* They Need to use a workaround which is particularly boring when it need to be repeated