I have a wordpress website and I am using Translate Press.
I’ve just finished the ENGLISH translation and now I have a bi-lingual website which is very good! Thanks for your pluggin which was very easy to use!
Anyway, I found some serious problems and I think it has to do with Translate Press Pluggin. At the original version (Portuguese) I just noticed that I’ve lost links to most of the buttons and all links of product photos.
At the translated version (English) everything is working well.
i.e., if you go to the portuguese top menu LOJA ONLINE, the following link https://grocersfood.com/todas-as-categorias/ is working well
But if you go to LOJA ONLINE and then click on the sub menu CABAZES you should be directed to one link which is not working properly; instead, it goes again to HOMEPAGE. At the wordpress backoffice, at the menu, the URL is correct (https://grocersfood.com/categoria-produto/cabazes/)
Another example: on the portuguese version, every product at the online store, as well as the banners at the home page are not linked as they should be and as they are at the backoffice (permanent links are intact). If you click at one of the products, the link only goes to HOMEPAGE….
I would be grateful if you could help me.
Thanks in adavnce
I have uploaded to the last 3.0.10 from an old version in pro, and now I don’t see my links.
Could you help me please ?
]]>I am having an issue where if the user scrolls down a bit on any page, the top of the menu gets cutoff so the home link is not visible. This only happens when you scroll down on the page and then click the nav icon for the menu to slide out from the left.
If you would like a link to the site could you provide me with an email address to send it to? I would rather not post it publicly. Thanks so much!
]]>I’m so inept at building websites, but here is the one I’m struggling with: https://www.DisabilityPossibilities.com On a page I called Accessories, I had written original content with affiliate links, made a page break because I thought it was too long, saved it, came back and poof, it was gone! About a whole foot’s worth of scrolling. And 35 links. Tons of work.
Any idea how I can retrieve it? Eliminate the page break? I’ve gone into text mode, can’t find it. I check all the appropriate drafts, couldn’t find it there either.
I’m at a loss. The only solution “could” be here, or I’ll just have to redo it, type it all over.
Thanks people.
]]>The big problem arise when you try to move it from local to server or vice versa. Once I do it something weird happens. The pages are shown perfectly but the if I click on an image of my portfolio that works as a link to see the whole projects the images doesn’t appear at all! The weird thing is that the problem happens into the backend as well. If I enter each single project in backend the weird thing is this:
1. If the page shows just embedded videos and no images everything works well.
2. If the page shows just images nothing appears. I can still add images into the backend and they’ll appear in frontend but those that were previously loaded simply don’t exist.
3. If the page shows images AND videos, both images and videos are not shown.
Does someone know what can cause this?
Thank you for your help
All the Best
]]>Please give me step by step instructions, in computing for idiots-type language, for fixing this!
Many thanks
]]>I want to switch my Glossary terms using WP Glossary (in the custom post slug [glossary] to the custom post slug [mcm_glossary] used by My Content Management, but I loose links from posts to the glossary. Any solutions but relinking 800 items?
]]>On further inspection, there are images deep in the library which can be accessed through editing options, on the ftp the images show up as being in the correct folder the library seems to be broken
After upgrading to version 3.3.1, all links to previous pages (including) About have been lost. When I attempt to view the pages in the new Site Admin editor, it also returns a strange looking not found page. When I select Posts, all my pages are listed; and when I select a page, it appears in the editor. However, when I select View Post or Preview, even after updating and confirming, I receive a not found page such as the following URI:
I only have five or six pages; however, this is a frustrating issue. Am I going to have to repost all of my pages? Since upgrading I have posted two new pages with categories of Films. When I select the category link in the righthand menu, it does not display the first page I posted since the upgrade, but displays a similar not found page. This is a page posted after the upgrade. I do not understand what is going on and would appreciate any assistance to resolve the problem.
Thank you in advance for any suggestions and/or recommendations.
]]>I can get copies of the media files from our authors.
What i want to know is there any easy way of finding broken links to media files or do we have to go through the posts one by one?