Two questions:
— Is it possible to have both forward and back links? Why do we have to chose only one in the settings?
— If the above isn’t possible, then could the last post link to the first one in an ongoing loop, so that no page would be without the CrestaBox?
Would love to hear your thoughts!
Again FAB plugin, great work.
]]>I am creating a custom theme.
I have set WPAdmin > Settings > Reading > Front page to be “Home” (static page)
For “Home”, I have WPAdmin > Pages > “Home” > Template set to “Front Page” which is the template name for the template I’ve created for the homepage (front_page.php).
I have added several test posts under 2 categories : 1) smallprint 2) quote
On front_page.php, I want to get all posts with category of “quote” and loop through them, outputting the title and content of that post.
The code below seems to output the content of the post fine, but the title it outputs is the page title (“Home”), not the post title.
I’ve also tried echo the_title() and using the WordPress Loop. All to no avail.
global $quote;
$firstQuote = true;
$quote_cat_id = get_cat_ID('quote');
$quotes = get_posts('category='.$quote_cat_id);
foreach($quotes as $quote) : setup_postdata($quote);
<div class="item <?php if ($firstQuote) echo "active"; ?>">
<p><span>“</span><?php echo get_the_content(); ?><span>”</span></p>
<footer><?php echo get_the_title(); ?></footer>
$firstQuote = false;
This is really confusing me, could anyone point out where I’ve gone wrong? I feel I’ve tried everything I can and this is a last resort.
Thanks in advance.
]]><?php $postsdubbed = get_posts(array(
'numberposts' => -1,
'post_type' => 'post',
'category' => $catiddubbed,
'order' => ASC
)); ?>
<?php if($postsdubbed) {?>
<?php foreach($postsdubbed as $post)
<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a>
<?php } ?>
<?php }?>
What this code actually does it doesn’t take the permalink/post title of the post that it’s actually working with at that point in time in the loop, instead it simply takes the permalink/post title of the post that i’m viewing this output from. It’s able to successfully figure out how many posts there are in that category or how many posts that fit the criteria, and it runs the loop that many times, so the output essentially repeats itself.
For example, if that code was put into a custom post type post using a conditional, it doesn’t pull out the posts / their permalinks from the category specified in the get_posts() function, instead it simply takes the permalink/post title of the custom post type post that i’m on and it’ll print it out.
So I think the the_title() and the_permalink() simply won’t work, maybe because it’s in single.php or something. Anyway, I was hoping I could get some type of replacements of these to be used in this loop.
or if someone could shine some light upon why this doesn’t work in the single.php file as it is intended to.
So this far in I guess you know that the first div content-left contains the entire box which contains the first second and third row div's, in each and every one of those rows are 3 other div's and each of those 3 div's represents 1 post, how can I use the multi loop code to make the posts show up like I want them in the styling and order that I want them, and without diplicating?
]]>Can someone give me a direction what would be the best option, and how I can do that? (possibility to hire someone to get the job done).
I got 2500 posts, the most recent post date is August 3, 2009. For tomorrow August 4 I would like to use the post with the oldest post date, for example: September 10, 2008. For August 4, 2009 I would like to show the old post of September 10, 2008. The old date should be updated to August 4, 2009. This way I can loop al my posts.