we have a problem with a long post content.
WordPress can hardly save and publishing thhis post (i have checked directly on DB and all fields seem to be ok) but checking the front end, the web page doesn’t show up the content (just the content doesn’t appear, we can see title, meta, ecc…).
This is the URL of the web page
The content is really long but without code or strange chars. It is a simple text with a big list of absolute link (about 1000 links). We have tried to make the content shorter and this solve the problem but we must use the entire text.
Does anyone have an idea how to solve our problem? thanx in advance…
]]>Any help appreciated here folks.
]]>I am here again, sorry for all the trouble.
Please consider replying if you get some time.
Actually I got to display address in the address column and unfortunately the text is too long which looks awkward with the other column content.
Is it possible to show just some text there and on clicking that column all the content appears or is there any other way which you can suggest me with this issue.
Any help will be appreciated.
Thank You
]]>My site: https://www.benefithealth.com.au/wordpress
I’m a wordpress novice so any help to fix this would be very much appreciated!
]]>I’m looking at using WordPress for making IT tutorials. Each tutorial will probably be 4-6 parts (i.e. Objectives, Introduction, Task 1, Task 2, Task 3, Conclusion). I don’t want to create a separate post for each of these. I think that would be difficult to maintain and navigate. Plus, I don’t want to end up with 40 800×600 screen shots on a single page. If anyone is familiar with Drupal, I’d like something like their “book” content type.
Here’s a good example of what I’d like to do: https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/phenom-ii-940,2114.html
I’d like to have the table of contents and then be able to go forward/backward as needed.
Please let me know if you have any suggestions for how to accomplish this.