So now when I log in I am prompted with 3 options:
There is 3 options ‘Update’, ‘ The email is correct’, and ‘Remind me later’.
Both ‘Update’ and ‘The email is correct’ produces an error when clicked on. Only ‘Remind me later’ works.
Can the plugin be updated to fix this issue?
Or should I disable the email verification check?
add_filter( 'admin_email_check_interval', '__return_false' );
This is a new issue and just started happpening this week. I was using Chrome and I switched to Firefox on the recommendation of my webhost. All was well and then it happened again. Cookies are enabled in both browsers. The only way to get into my site is to clear all history and restart my computer, which obviously is not a practical solution. I also get intermittent database errors. I had database errors several months ago and discovered that Wordfence was the culprit, crashing our database. So we deleted that plugin. We’ve had no problems for months since, and haven’t added any new plug-ins.
Can anyone help?
The rest of the site has the same error codes appearring as well.
Any help would be appreciated.
]]>ERROR: The password you entered for the username admin is incorrect. Lost your password?
When asked to retrieve a new password I get email stating the following, but no link to reset.
Someone requested that the password be reset for the following account: Username: admin If this was a mistake, just ignore this email and nothing will happen. To reset your password, visit the following address:
Please advise how to reset as I entered the correct user/password to begin with. thank you !
]]>I have also reset my password both through this interface and by getting an email reset from wp but after logging in it will kick me out a few moments later.
This has been the most painful experience – for the last week. Please help put me out of my misery. If anyone has a suggestion that would be great. Thank you.
When I try and log in it gets this info in the url…
]]>I keep having the same problem with different sites so I am apparently not doing something right with Word Press and plugins or something. Of course my Host company says it has nothing to do with the hosting.
Examples: Posts will not show up, put in new images and they will not show up, pages do not refresh, posts become 404 pages for no reason, and I keep getting errors when I try to log in about line 17 in the Index file. Right now I’m able to sign in but get 404 errors when I click on a post…grrrrr!
I attempted to follow some instructions regarding the .htaccess file, but did not really understand what I was suppose to do, so that could be the problem. Then I was lead to a page about the Index.php file, but later realized there is one in my main directory and one in my wp-admin folder.
Regardless, I have redone several sites and am very frustrated. I don’t know if it could be plug ins that I use or if the installations did not go well or what.
Any help would be appreciated. One of my sites is
Do I have just start over with another new installation?
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