i’m assuming i shouldn’t be alarmed that i get a lot of site lockout notifications (site just went live) but i do get a lot of them and it can’t hurt to ask. most, if not all, are ‘user tried to login as admnin’.
also, i’m getting multiple emails even after choosing to receive the ‘digest’ version daily. so if anyone can tell me what i’m doing wrong that would be helpful.
i thought i went through the initial setup carefully.
thank you <3
]]>now and then I receive emails telling me, that users have been locked out from my website. Sometimes they name real user names, sometimes it is just a guess obviously.
When I set up my website I chose a username for the admin which was not “admin” and is not easy to guess, so I am confident that I don′t have to worry about any login attempts with the username “admin”.
But the attackers even found out my admin′s username and I keep getting emails which tell me that the admin was locked out. Luckily this never was the case, I was always able to log in to my website despite getting these emails.
Apparently there are a lot of bots in internet doing nothing else than trying to login to any wordpress websites.
In which cases can I just switch off these emails and in which cases should I continue getting and checking them?
Thank you!
]]>What i did:
1. Changed login page from wp-admin.php to something else
2. Changed time length of lockout from 60 to 120 minutes
3. Changed instantly lockout user name to include admin
4. Added my IP address in the Brute Force–Login Whitelist
5. Disable Pingback Functionality From XMLRPC: YES checked box
6. Enable Login Lockdown Feature Checked
So, these admin login stopped for several days. I thought i was done. But today, they restarted.
I also asked my hosting provide to whitelist my IP
They also added bad-bot-blocker/.htaccess to the htaccess file.
That also worked for a few days. But restarted today
]]>define( ‘DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT’, true );
]]>I’ve received more than 1,000 lockout notifications in the past hour+ apparently all with the exact same message. The host IP has already been added to the Ban list. I tried turning off email notifications and even disabling the plugin and the emails still keep coming in. Any suggestions? I’m running the most current version of WP and the plugin. Thanks.
The message:
Dear Site Admin,
A host,, has been locked out of the WordPress site at https://www.yoursitename.com due to too many bad login attempts.
The host has been locked out permanently .
*This email was generated automatically by iThemes Security. To change your email preferences please visit the plugin settings.