Va multumesc si pentru faptul ca verificati si remediati erorile aparute inainte de a le experimenta noi.
Totusi, cu permisiunea mea, va prezint una de care sigur nu stiati:
Locker button not found custom-checkout-button.js:32:17
checkShippingMethod https://***/wp-content/plugins/samedaycourier-shipping/assets/js/custom-checkout-button.js:32
<anonymous> https://***/wp-content/plugins/samedaycourier-shipping/assets/js/custom-checkout-button.js:49
(Async: setTimeout handler)
<anonymous> https://***/wp-content/plugins/samedaycourier-shipping/assets/js/custom-checkout-button.js:48
(Async: EventListener.handleEvent)
<anonymous> https://***/wp-content/plugins/samedaycourier-shipping/assets/js/custom-checkout-button.js:46
Eroarea legata de Easybox escaladeaza si daca se incearca alegerea unei locatii prin harta interactiva, apare urmatoarea eroare in consola din browser (Firefox 133.0 64-bit), de doua ori:
Content-Security-Policy: The page’s settings blocked a script (script-src-elem) at from being executed because it violates the following directive: “script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'”
Va rog, sa nu intelegeti ca regulile Content-Security-Policy sunt la noi!
Nu m? deranjeaz? erorile daca functioneaza optiunile. In acest caz, Easybox Sameday este complet nefunctional!
Stiu ca nu va pasa de comunitatea WordPress, dar scriu aici ca sa vad? al?ii, nu voi de la Sameday …
]]>De la ultimul update (1.5.8) am observat ca primim comenzi la lockere fara a avea adresa de locker, suntem nevoiti sa sunam clientii pentru a afla adresa de locker pe care o completam ulterior in administrare. In plus de asta am observat un timp mare de incarcare (40 – 50 de secunde) a modalitatilor de livrare dupa completarea adresei de livrare… Va rugam un update cu fix la aceste probleme cat mai urgent…
]]>Example: My NFT collection is minted and I want to create more Utility for it. I would use your Locker Smartcontrat to lock all content on my website and I would define exactly in the backend which Token ID can unlock my content.
Why is it valuable for all NFT owners?
On Opensea you have the option to lock a link from an initial purchase, but it won’t work if you sell that NFT twice or three times. With your locker smart contract you give every token on Metamask a benefit forever.
As a WordPress creator, you can call up the Utility for NFT at any time.
I love this idea, but I don’t have the skills to create this smartcontract myself.`
]]>Downloading update from…
Download failed. Unauthorized
]]>A suggestion: Can you add a content locker? E.g.:
I don’t know how difficult it is to implement. But it would be great to have this feature.
Kind regards,
A suggestion: Can you add a content locker? E.g.:
I don’t know how difficult it is to implement. But it would be great to have this feature.
Kind regards,
I need to know all the names of people that opened up a specific opt-in (shows 120 total) and it only seems to show me their name if they went there first before unlocking other pages? I need to know ALL the names/emails of those that opened a specific locker. Could you please help me find this information? The numbers don’t match…
I’ve reached out to support multiple times with no response for 3 weeks.
]]>It worked before but now the Locker appears but the FB like button does not.
Would you mind taking a look at it here:
Is there some plugin or code that’s causing this?
Thank you very much.
first of all, let me congratulate you for your plugin. It is an awesome idea!
Now, doing some testing (plugin version 4.3.5, WP version 4.5.3), I have discovered that locked content gets unlocked without the need of actual sharing! This happens on my site, but also on your demo site, so I guess it has nothing to do with nothing on my side.
To reproduce the issue, just do the following (make sure to be signed out of any social media network):
1) Click on twitter share button.
2) A pop-up is displayed asking you to login. Close it without filling up any field.
3) Wait a second or two… the locked content will be unlocked without having shared anything
I have been able to reproduce this issue with Twitter and Linkedin share buttons. It seems to be working fine with Facebook and G+.
Hope you can fix it… the plugin makes no much sense otherwise.
Thank you very much,