However, I need to use it in Spanish, the MO & PO files are 100% translated into my language but there are still some text strings that are not being translated by those files, for example the left side “Tracking” menu, it’s options list is not being translated, some other text strings within the plugin are not being translated either.
Here are some of those strings (among others):
“Status Tracking Settings”
“You can add custom CSS styles for your order form in the box above.”
“Set Access Role”
Basically the whole Options screen is not translatable.
I’ve looked into the translation template provided, but those strings are not on the source code to be translated either.
I’m planning to buy the Premium version, but I need to be sure that the plugin can be 100% translated first.
Any ideas? thanks in advance!
]]>All translations are made by contributors on the project. This is where you can contribute to translations before/after updates.
WordPress serves translations for stable projects only, when they are 95% translated. If you find your language is not translated we recommend that you submit new translations now and contact the translation editor to approve the changes.
You can translate on your WordPress installation too using the Loco Translate plugin.
1. Install and activate Loco Translate from Plugins > Add new
2. After installing, go to Loco Translate > Plugins.
3. Select “WooCommerce-Gateway-Stripe” and then click “edit your language”.
4. Before starting translating is very important to click in the “Sync” button, so you are really translating strings for the new Stripe version.
5. Write you new translation and click the “Save” button to save the .po file and compile the .mo file.
Please note, translations are case sensitive.
Also if you don’t see the strings translated, try going to your updates page on WordPress and see if any translation updates are available. Secondly you can try changing your site language to English and click on save, then back to the locale you want and save again. This will trigger an update if one is available.
]]>The Spanish translation is a complete disaster.
]]>function alx_load() {
function hu_load() {
I have translated all the strings, from English to Italian, and created the file “mo”.
Once done, I find half-translated strings and other untranslated strings.
For Example look a these two images:
This is the translations table. Each string is transtated into Italian: Translations Table
This is what i see when i open an admin page with some strings inside: Admin Page
This also happens to the website.
I’ve already checked the code of the theme, and all strings are declared using the __(..) function and the constant WP_LANG is declared as “it_IT” inside wp-config. What could be the problem?