I’ve tried this with both the Misc/Scheduling functionality, and this shortcode:
[ADINSERTER CHECK scheduling=”17:00:00, 20:00:0, 01234″]
Both approaches use local time, rather than server time.
Is it possible to set a block to appear at 5 p.m. *server time” rather than 5 p.m. *local time*? Either through some configuration within Ad Inserter Pro or through a function or update to wp-config? Thanks!
]]>The div with class=”restrict-pages-overview-wrapper” contains a table that indicates the end date and time of access. Tell me how to make this time local.
I have this time indicated 3 hours earlier.
]]>What i have need to do?
It would be appreciated if you can update your plugin to show the Speed Test time stamp in local time, not UTC.
Optional: Show UTC Time followed by Local Time.
Example: (1:11 UTC | 20:11 Local)
Details: https://prnt.sc/_YiCtiLVR_qY
Very confusing for many and requires another step to convert it to local time. 80% of plugins provide time stamps in local time.
Local time can be pulled from WP Dashboard > Settings > General > Timezone
Details: https://prnt.sc/EaOzvF3qiMNS
Helpful: The developers of the plugin, Analytify, made a similar change recently. If necessary, they can assist you to achieve the above.
Thank you!
]]>I’ve noticed that when creating a new post, the time and date shown in the Post Expirator options box are UTC, rather than my local time (UTC +10).
This is confusing and, when creating their posts, my customer will naturally input the digits in local time – which then means the post gets expired 10 hours late.
I can’t see any options in settings that will change the time displayed to our local time.
Is there a solution to this?
So… just a sugerence
]]>I am having this issue:
The “Event Time” is different than my “Local Time” (shows 1 hour less).
My time region is GMT, not sure if that makes a difference.
Please check snapshot:
Thanks for the help !