I’ve first open the same question at
but i was advise to post in this section.
I’m opening this topic because even i’ve read and try some things and i cant find a solution.
I ve made a copy of a website in production and installed it in a VirtualMachine on my localhost.
The goal is to test update and some change in local before change anything in the online site.
I dont find the way to set JetPack to stay in Safe Mode enable or to create a new connection in the local site.
I ve check the real OnlineSite and jetpack dont give any message about Identity Crisis ,he just want to update. So all is running fine on the online site and that is the most important.
From the local copy :
I ve read and try :
1. https://jetpack.com/support/safe-mode/
>>but clicking stay in safe mode or create a new connexion dont work.
2. https://jetpack.com/support/development-mode/
>> i ve try define( ‘JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG’, true ); but my site hostname have period and i ve to define the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant, but i dont know how and where (which file? jetpack.php? default-constant.php?)
>> ive not try the add_filter( ‘jetpack_offline_mode’, ‘__return_true’ ); because it s not written in which file to add the filter.
The locale VM work under Debian10 with :
PHP7.4, Mysql5.6, WordPress 5.8.4, JetPack 10.7
I would prefer not upgrade anything because i create this local copy to let the site owner make his test in virtualbox before upgrading the onlinesite.
So my answer is : How to enable the offline mode in the Local Copy to have it the more similar possible to the real OnlineSite ? Just telling me in which file i ve to define constant or add filter will help me a lot.
In anyway in the local copy i can use the WordPress dashboard but i ve the JetPack Message in all windows…
I ve an other problem with the redirection of the local pages but ill maybe open a new topic if i dont find solution.
(Those Topics dont help me to solve :
I’m opening this topic because even i’ve read and try some things i cant find a solution.
I ve made a copy of a website in production and installed it in a VirtualMachine on my localhost.
The goal is to test update and some change in local before change anything in the online site.
I dont find the way to set JetPack to stay in Safe Mode enable or to create a new connection in the local site.
I ve check the real OnlineSite and jetpack dont give any message about Identity Crisis (he just want to update).
From the local copy :
I ve read and try :
1. https://jetpack.com/support/safe-mode/
>>but clicking stay in safe mode or create a new connexion dont work.
2. https://jetpack.com/support/development-mode/
>> i ve try define( ‘JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG’, true ); but my site hostname have period and i ve to define the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant, but i dont know how and where (which file? jetpack.php? default-constant.php?)
>> ive not try the add_filter( ‘jetpack_offline_mode’, ‘__return_true’ ); because it s not written in which file to add the filter.
The locale VM work under Debian10 with :
PHP7.4, Mysql5.6, WordPress 5.8.4, JetPack 10.7
I would prefer not upgrade anything because i create this local copy to let the site owner make his test in virtualbox before upgrading the onlinesite.
So my answer is : How to enable the offline mode in the Local Copy to have it the more similar possible to the real OnlineSite ?
In anyway in the local copy i can use the WordPress dashboard but i ve the JetPack Message in all windows…
I ve an other problem with the redirection of the local pages but ill maybe open a new topic if i dont find solution.
(Those Topics dont help me to solve :
I can login to the local copy as the administrator, and read pages etc
in the dashboard. I can also look at the pages with the Visual tab of the
classic editor and it all looks OK. However, I cannot get a sensible
View of a page on screen, just something that has, for the home page,
a single rather neat horizontal bar. Any idea as to where the problem
lies would be welcome.
I was recently asked to look at wordpress website, fix some things, and move domain. I have no wordpress experience, but some Linux, php, mysql, HTML knowledge.
I’ve set up site copy on my computer, basically used “moving wp” guide. Then set up git repository to track changes, and git-ftp to push my changes to production when I’m happy with what I have locally.
One of the problems – wp site uses custom theme with loads of absolute url’s in source code and CSS files. So local site drags content from production site, which will soon move. How do I handle those url’s, if I replace them with absolute url’s pointing to local copy and push changes – production site will break. And what about moving site to new domain, I’ll have to update those links all over again in source code.
I hope someone will make sense of this, what is your advise?
]]>I am wondering if I have to know MySQL to get my site running again. Can anyone help?
Problem in a nutshell:
Step 1. package created – could not get rid of cached data warning – deleted caches and cleared browser
Step 2. package installed with these warnings:
WP-CONFIG WARNING: The wp-config.php has one or more of these values “WP_CONTENT_DIR, WP_CONTENT_URL, WPCACHEHOME, COOKIE_DOMAIN, WP_SITEURL, WP_HOME, WP_TEMP_DIR” which may cause issues please validate these values by opening the file.
MEDIA SETTINGS WARNING: The table ‘wp_options’ has at least one the following values [‘upload_url_path’,’upload_path’] set please validate settings. These settings can be changed in the wp-admin by going to Settings->Media area see ‘Uploading Files’
Regarding warning 1: I can not find any of those values in the wp-config.php file – perhaps this is the problem?
Regarding warning 2: The upload path is correct = C:/wamp/www/kweLocal/wp-content/uploads and contains the correct images.
Step 3. Bring up local site – can not access anything but homepage.
Can see every page in admin but can not view them – get this msg
Not Found
The requested URL /kwelocal/contact-me/ was not found on this server.
Apache/2.4.9 (Win64) PHP/5.5.12 Server at localhost Port 80
Tried renaming pages and saving them – no go.
Tried creating new pages – no go.
Is it a setting in my wp-config file?
Thnk you for your help!
]]>I am trying to make a local copy of a live WordPress site. I already have a number of local sites, which I access with MAMP. It works perfectly.
But now, I would like to move a live site to my local server and it will not work.
I followed this excellent tutorial: https://managewp.com/how-to-create-a-local-copy-of-a-live-wordpress-site
I copied all files through Filezilla Client and put it here: /Users/signeebbesen/Documents/Websites/site-name/www
MAMP is set up to look in the websites folder: /Users/signeebbesen/Documents/Websites
I exported the live database through PhpMyAdmin, I created a local database, selected it and imported the newly exported database into the local one.
I changed the ‘siteurl’ and the ‘home’ to reflect the new location of the site. I’m a little bit unsure of whether the ‘home’ was the right one, since it said /old in its url… but I couldn’t find any other ‘home’
Now, when I access my other local sites, the url says: https://localhost:8888/site-name/www/ and it works fine!
When I try to access this new site the url goes: https://localhost/site-name/www/
-> the :8888 is not there and the browser comes up with an error.
Would any of you know what I could have done wrong?
Thanks in advance!
– Signe