LiteSpeed DOCs: Elements with attribute data-no-async=”1″ in html code will be excluded
So… i’m noobie… How to add this class to “wp admin bar”?
Using some ninja hook maybe?
Any help would be apreciated.
Tnx in advance.
]]>I really appreciate the hard work and updates for the past couple of days, but ever since 3.3.1 update and yep this latest one 3.4. The load CSS Asynchronously option won’t work together with generate critical CSS. When these two options are enabled in my site, the website just turns Error 524.
However, just turning on generate critical CSS alone and disabling load CSS asynchronously option, will return the site to normal.
As of version 3.3, these 2 options are working great together with my site, 3.3.1 and 3.4 breaks it with Error 524.
This might be a bug, I’m not sure yet but if you can please check and if there’s anything I could do to resolve it.
Report number: GPJVXQTC
Report date: 08/27/2020 06:38:41
Thank you and looking forward to your response.
]]>Hi there!
COMBINE CSS breaks footer styling and pop-ups postion triggered by first 3 icons on the sidebar.
Load CSS Asynchronously and Load JS DEFERRED affect styling too.
What i’m doing wrong?
If you need more informations, i’m here.
Thank you!
]]>wp_enqueue_style(‘bootstrap’, ‘/bootstrap.min.css’);
wp_enqueue_style(‘custom’, ‘/custom.css’, array(‘bootstrap’));
But using “Load CSS asynchronously” my custom css is loaded first.