Even though this plugin is called Sheets To WP Table Live Sync, I haven’t seen any tutorials that actually demonstrate what they mean by “live sync”.
]]>I have installed the latest version of your plugin from GitHub.
I am trying a Google Live Data export but here’s the result on my Google sheet when I copy-paste the importadata function. Instead of my form db records export, I got this. Do you know why and how to fix it? Thanks a lot!
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} catch(e){}
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We had an attempted (failed) attack over the weekend so I wanted to check the live traffic logs for more info (to see if it was a bot or human).
However, I got zero results when I applied the IP address into the filter.
Initially I wondered if this was because it had exceeded the default 2000 lines logged, so I ran a test search for a more recent visit (ie. an entry that was logged within the past few mins and visible in the live traffic section when no filters were applied.). The search returned no results.
Filtering by date/time range for any traffic also failed.
We’re using the free version but I couldn’t see any settings which might explain this so I wonder if it’s a bug with the filtering?
For additional info – we’ve just upgraded to 4.9 so I’m using that to view, but the data would have been captured whilst it was using 4.8.3)
]]>I am updating to 5 (from 4) for the continuing support and improvement. I keep my initial suggestions though:
– improve documentation for the settings parameter
– give us the ability to have permanently visible the values of pie sectors or bars
– give us the ability to adjust the ticks of both axis
– MOST IMPORTANT: to be able to have preview with live data
I have a client who wanted to update his WordPress site, so I made a copy of it an moved it to another server for development. Moving the site and databases back and forth went fine, but when I moved everything from the test site back to the live site, the changes that were made to the live site after I made a copy of the site were gone. So for example:
June 1 – copied live site files and database, moved them to development server.
June 1 through 14 – client continues to post on his live site while I make changes on the test site. He also added a plugin and some new categories.
June 15 – move changes (which include new pages and categories) from test site to live site. Everything is beautiful, except that the posts and categories he added June 1 through 14 are gone, and while the plugin still exists, it is deactivated and all of it’s settings have been lost.
Being some what familiar with databases and the move process, I see why this happened. My question is, what can I do to add these posts, categories and plugin settings back in after I’ve updated the live site?
I know I can use WordPress exporter and export the applicable posts from the live site before I move the changes over, and then import them back in after I update the live site with the changes. This is ok right? Problem is the featured images are not exported/imported. How do I fix that?
What happens if I try to import a post with one of those new categories he added and the new category is still non existent at the time of the import? Will the import create the category and then add the post? Or just add the post with no category?
(I don’t think using the “all content” export option would suffice because wouldn’t that overwrite the changes I made to pages and navigation menus when I import it back in?)
How do I get the new categories and plugin data back in? I am comfortable inserting rows directly into the database but in all the searching for this answer 1) I don’t think that would work and 2) if it did I’m not sure I know which tables I would find all of the applicable data in.
Are we basically left with trying not to make too many changes to the live site while it’s being worked on in another environment? This particular client runs a news site so he’s updating content constantly.
I appreciate the assistance!
Thanks – Lori
]]>I manage a website for a client whose company deals with Environmental Issue – one such area he is involved in, is in the area of environmental testing of dust particles in the air etc. He takes various readings everyday, and every hour, of the level of dust particles in the air …
He would like to have a page on his website where this data can be visualised in a live data stream through graphs etc, when I say live I mean updated every hour or so or whatever the intervals are. He wants various clients to then be able to login to this page to see the details and readings etc.
If this works there may be other similar pages with other data.
Is there a plugin or some way of achieving this?
Any help greatly appreciated.
I manage a website for a client whose company deals with Environmental Issue – one such area he is involved in, is in the area of environmental testing of dust particles in the air etc. He takes various readings everyday, and every hour, of the level of dust particles in the air …
He would like to have a page on his website where this data can be visualised in a live data stream through graphs etc, when I say live I mean updated every hour or so or whatever the intervals are. He wants various clients to then be able to login to this page to see the details and readings etc.
If this works there may be other similar pages with other data.
Is there a plugin or some way of achieving this?
Any help greatly appreciated.
I exported the Excel internet query doesn’t work on LibreOffice.
And the google Sheet doesn’tupdate automatically