is there a way to achieve this?
]]>[02-Jan-2024 07:47:55 UTC] WordPress database error Unknown column 'wp_7_posts.post_default' in 'order clause' for query
FROM wp_7_posts
WHERE 1=1 AND wp_7_posts.post_type = 'attachment' AND ((wp_7_posts.post_status = 'inherit' OR wp_7_posts.post_status = 'private'))
ORDER BY wp_7_posts.post_default
LIMIT 0, 50
made by WP_Media_List_Table->prepare_items, wp_edit_attachments_query, wp, WP->main, WP->query_posts, WP_Query->query, WP_Query->get_posts, QM_DB->query
I can’t find any post_default
in my complete code. Can anybody help?
But when I switch to list view the store name is below the product image and not below the price as I wanted.
I need to place the store name below the price in the list view. It would be better if I could put the Thumbnail in the list view. Because the thumbnail is much prettier, and it contains the store’s rating stars.
Can anyone help me?
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]]>really great plugin.
One question: Is it possible to show the description and location in listview?
Time - Event Title
(Description and Location only in Popup)
Time - Event Title
This is my Event description
This is my Location
I have searched many websites, including, and cannot find a solution.
Maybe you can help
But there is one thing I can not figure out… I am using the list-view display for a Google Calendar and multiday events are displayed for each single day. Is there an option to list the event just once?
What I would like to see (symbolical):
Monday – Wednesday
What I see instead (symbolical):
I could not find the answer so far, neither in the documentation nor in this forum (there was the same question once, 1 year and 2 months ago by brothersimon, but it was not answered). So thanks for your support!
]]>I was thinking of something like the following:
tiny img — description — weight- – dimesions–variation dropdown– quantity counter– price — checkbox.
This would allow my customers to select 50-100 products and their variations on 1 page with a buy button on the end of the page.
I have looked everywhere on the internet ( and its darker places) , but can only find the grid/list toggle plugin which does not solve the “select variation” option.