Wondering if you can help us, we encounter that automated links is not working on listing pro theme and on the custom post type listing, but it works fine on post type pages and post. would like to ask if there are themes are not compatible with this plugin or there is a way to overwrite the php rules?
]]>before enable wp external links https://i.imgur.com/bcfVhdi.png
after enable the plugin https://i.imgur.com/iFkQHi7.png
]]>ListingPro – Directory & Listing WordPress Theme by CridioStudio | ThemeForest
]]>We have as site created with ListingPro-theme (listingprowp.com), and Polylang installed making the site multilanguage (Finnish + English). Everything else is fine, except that search (at the home page hero-section) is returning Listings in English from the Finnish home page, when the results should be in Finnish language. The primary language of the site is Finnish. Please help!
Thank you!
]]>Since the latest update, I now have another tab on the backend named “Sample Options” which has overwritten some of the typography in my website, and also I now see a blue border around the frontend.
Can you get this fixed, cos its not ticking the boxes for me!
Aha!! Kev the plugin Author got back to me, and this has all been resolved, ensuring I am more than happy now to give a 5 star review.
]]>What I can’t figure out is that it’s only showing when there are no listings on a Listing Category page.
So it looks like this:
Listing Category with no Listings but showing custom text
Listing Category with Listing but no Text
This is the code I’m using:
<?php if( $bottom_content = get_field('bottom_content') ) { ?>
<?php echo $bottom_content ; ?>
<?php } ?>
]]>It Looks like this:
-> French (France)
-> Spanish (Spain)
-> English (United States)
-> Chinese (China)
-> Chinese (Taiwan)
-> English (UK)
-> Portuguese (Brazil)
-> Italian
-> German
Does that seem correct for you that I have added these 9 new languages?
Because listingPro Theme support says: “our client translate the theme with loco in only one language”. I really don’t understand what they mean, as my theme works with these 7 languages.
As I need to move the languages from theme to the Child theme that I have just
Thanks a lot,
[vc_column][listing_cats catstyles="cat_ab_grid_abstracted" category_ids="132,85,67,98,58,64,14,92,52,74,75,23,89,56,31,62,101,96,54,99,57,70,60,78,73,61,59,93,94,77,87,91,102,82,95,97,63,72,86,55,100,65,71,68,76,88,90,32,80,79,29,81,27,84,83,66"]
Every help should be appreciated,
thanks a lot
Best Regards
Francesco, Rome – Italy