I tried both:
li {
padding-bottom: 16px;
.entry-content ul li {
padding-bottom: 16px;
and both do the same thing to the icons.
The ul class for the Social Icons seems to be::
“wp-block-social-links alignright is-style-default”
and for the unordered list it appears to be:
Is there a way to target only the ul li without affecting the Social Icon background shapes?
Thanks for any help
Should have mentioned: using Twenty Twenty-Four theme.
]]>Markup example:
<ul><li>Some text</li>
<li> More Text</li></ul>
If I remove the line breaks in the list
<ul><li>Some text</li><li>More Text</li></ul>
It removes the line breaks but also doesn’t add any space after each list item.
If pulled into a List item – it is giving me a nested list. OR without any markup, it only populates the first item and wraps the rest.
How can I pull a series of list items from an ACF field, and have some control over the styling between lines?
]]>It seems impossible to ad an “id” attribute to a list item in the “List” block. I was assuming there would be a “HTML ANCHOR” field in the block editing column for a “list Item” but there isn’t.
Adding the id attribute manually by editing the block’s html directly like this:
<li id="some-id">List item content</li>
… results in “This block contains unexpected or invalid content.” With the button “Attempt Block Recovery”. When clicking this button the “id” attribute will be stripped out.
Is there any other way to add an “id” attribute to a list item in the List block?
I know I can create a custom list in the “Custom HTML” block but I think it is a bit strange this is not possible in the “List” block’s “List Item”.
]]>When I go to exit editing the page, it gives me a warning to publish the page as if I’d made changes when I haven’t made any. I’ve tried duplicating the page and publishing… if I publish it without going in to edit, it shows up correctly. However, if I edit that same page, it shows no List Item content on the back end, similar to the original. Publishing either page after editing (and it showing the content gone) removes all the content from the front end of my site.
This is happening with all pages across my website that feature the List Item blocks.
In a list item, it does not.
How do I create short-codes for each item within a list
]]>But it didn’t work.
How can I remove default indention from the bulleted text?
]]>i did some customizations to the list-item and single-ad page.
Now i want to display all selected checkbox options the single pages.
And in the item-list page should be displayed a custom icon to signalize, that there is some information in this ad.
But with this code only one option is displayed:
<?php echo esc_html( get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), "custom_field", true ) ) ?>
What is the right code for ALL options?
Thank you in advance.