I can’t find a similar option for the shop pages though. As such, the buttons are just kind of staggered and chaotic. Is there an “Align Buttons” option I’m missing somewhere?
If not, you should definitely add this to future versions.
In the mean time, is there a simple way to align buttons vertically?
This only happened after an update. Otherwise it all seems to be working very well.
]]>[one-third-first]<img src="https://clcnj.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/month-image-1.jpg" alt="monthly image" width="425" height="848" /><img src="https://clcnj.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/worship-service.jpg" alt="worship schedule" width="436" height="576" />[/one-third-first]
[one-third]<img src="https://clcnj.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/events-image.jpg" alt="events-announcements" width="525" height="96" /><img src="https://clcnj.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/announcements-1.jpg" alt="" width="315" height="731" /><a href="https://www.facebook.com/pages/Christian-Life-Center/148873645139545?_rdr"><img src="https://clcnj.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/facebook-image-1.jpg" alt="facebook image" width="334" height="310" /></a>[/one-third]
[one-third]<img src="https://clcnj.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/month-message.jpg" alt="Monthly message" width="466" height="885" /><a href="https://twitter.com"><img src="https://clcnj.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/twitter-image-1.jpg" alt="twitter logo" width="345" height="167" /></a><a href="https://instagram.com"><img src="https://clcnj.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/instagrom-image.jpg" alt="instagram logo" width="345" height="167" /></a><span style="font-size: 1em;">[/one-third]</span>
[moderation note: please use the CODE tags when pasting code.]
]]>How can i make up this text so it is cut where i want it?
Thanks in advance!
]]>When posting to the Events Manager from the front end, we are struggling with spacing between lines of text when using the “View” tab. Members will have a difficult time designing a good looking event post without resolving this.
Under the “Text” tab, it appears that each time we press “Enter” it creates a new div. Erasing the divs in the “View” tab is complicated, and creating spaces between lines of text under “View” appears impossible.
You can see evidence of this issue in my recent test: Park(ing) Day
How do I resolve this?
]]>here’s what the site looks like now: https://www.mattjallday.com
]]>In the top of my sidebar I am using the default Search widget for WordPress, but for some reason the Search submit or “OK” button is not lining up with the search box in every browser. It looks perfectly fine in Mozilla Firefox, but in Safari and Google Chrome it seems to be offset vertically by a few pixels.
Any ideas on how I can fix this?
]]>The correct width is on the home page.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.