I would like to hack my site slightly and even up the white space width on each new blog. My blog is here: www.vaguedirection.com/blog.
My theme’s support has said they don’t cover this and have asked me to hire a developer to make some CSS changes, but I like to learn these kind of things so would like to give it a shot.
I am trying to increase the amount of white space on the right hand side of each post so it is symmetrical with the left. Here’s a photo to demonstrate what I mean: https://www.vaguedirection.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/blog_outline.jpg
Could anyone advise what code I should be adding / changing?
Many, many thanks!
I deactivated all of my plugins and reactivated one by one. When I activated all but Widget Context, the menus returned, but I found out that it was JUST the Student Life menu, listed on every page (including the HOME page!).
I’m not sure what to do on this.
Dylan Odhner
]]>I went on vacation on friday, and I started getting emails saying that the left-hand navigation of different parts of my site–www.brynathyn.edu–was gone.
Sure enough, the left-hand navigation is gone site-wide.
Please help!
]]>I have installed the Post Types Order (PTO) plugin with RT-Theme 10. This enabled me to re-order the products on my site manually like I needed to do – so far so good.
However, that plugin has introduced a problem with disappearing left-hand menu on the product category pages used by RT Theme 10:
– When I click on a product category, the left hand menu disappears.
– The products are still listed, so I can click on a product thumbnail and move on to a product page.
– When the product page opens, the menu appears again and works fine.
Disabling the PTO plugin makes the menu work again.
So: there is evidently some sort of conflict between the category pages of this theme, and the PTO plugin.
The Products page in question is located here:
The last 5 sub-menu items under the Products page are Categories (the first one is a static page). And as you can see, clicking on any one of those categories causes the menu to disappear, such as here:
(It also seems like load speed has increased somewhat after installing the PTO plugin, but that’s another story.)
FYI: I have tried deactivating ALL other plugins on the site, but that did not resolve the problem.
]]>I have just installed WordPress on my hosting provider. I have 3 other wordpress installations under different accounts with the hosting provider with no problem at all.
I have uploaded a fresh copy of wordpress as downloaded from the wordpress site. Even when navigating to wp-admin/install.php I don’t even get the WordPress Icon.
I am running on a MySQL Server 5.0.45 just like the other 3 installations.
I get no icons down the left hand sidebar of the dashboard or as I said above in the install.
I tried the 5 minute famous install, with no joy.
I then manually edited the wp-config-sample, renamed it of course with all of my details and still have the same problem.
In the first couple of tries, I did modify my permalinks and thought that may have done something to .htaccess but after the absolute fresh install with no plugins (except the default plugins) I am still getting the problem.
Please help!