I’ve created a slide presentation using LayerSlider WP. The text works fine however; the images do not. I have two images and 3 sentences in this slide https://www.tubinaday.ca/gallery/.
You’ll notice at the end of the third sentence a new image should appear but does not. If you look closely you can see the image attempting to over take the first image but unable to. You’ll notice a transition attempting to replace the first image (Green tub). It should be replaced with a pink tub at the end of the slide presentation and remain there for another 4-6 seconds however’ this image does not fully replace the GREEN TUB although you can see it trying to come in.
My questions are:
1) Is there anything wrong here, or a change that I can make. If so what change do I make?
2) does this LayerSlider WP plugin/App not support multiple images?… In the back end it does allow me to add as many images I need in a single slide presentation but only shows the first. Is this plugin not capable of showing multiple images in the front end?
I’m not a technical guy so if I’m doing it wrong please dumb it down for me what I need to do to accomplish this.
If needed I’ll be more then glad to share with you all the setting in the back-end.
Much appreciation in advance.
Thanks in advanced
I ran a test on GTMetrix to check my page speed, and it said that I needed to “Remove query strings from static resources” and so I looked for a plugin to do that. I found Easy Page Speed and it said it was compatible with my site. No sooner did I simply activate it and there went my beautiful LayerSlider now replaced with a white hole in my website.
After deactivating and deleting the Easy Page Speed plugin, it somehow did not fix the issue. I deactivated all plugins except for LayerSlider. It did not fix the issue. I deleted LayerSlider and re-installed it. It did not fix the issue. I am stuck with a broken website. The feature of my homepage is gone.
Can anyone tell me what is still lingering around on my website from this plugin that is now deleted and which file I might be able to check for stray code or what not?
I had W3 Total Cache installed and activated when I did this if that helps. I do not think that this would have caused the issue, but I can’t think of anything else. Deactivating W3 does not change the problem.
E ~
]]>The layerSlider WP Version 5.5.0 | By Kreatura Mediaversion loads fine on a PC but very very slow on a Mac.
Any ideas?
]]>I use LayerSlider WP on my websites homepage www.lifeline24.co.uk. The website is running on WordPress and is hosted on WP engine. It works fine except recently when the page first loads the image on the slider is enlarged on all devices including desktop, phone, ipad. If I then refresh the page it fixes the problem and the image scales to the correct size.
I have now built a second site from scratch and the same bug is appearing even on the test server which isn’t on WP engine.
Can someone please help me fix this.