I’m thinking about subscribing to the Translatepress “Business” but I first want to have a prove that the translatepress translator is working for my website(s). I installed the free version on new.pkbaitboats.com and on first hand it seems that it does what it should do.
The Homepage is able to be translated when I switch the language toggle, but when I’m on the Germen language and I switch to another page the translator switches back to Netherlands and I don’t see German translations at all.
Am I doing something wrong in the setup? I’ve translated all the pages in the translation section and all strings seems te be translated.
Kind regards,
Lars Leusink
]]>Apologies in advance if this has already been answered. I’ve been reading forums and cannot find a solution to this.
I understand that WordPress, Woocommerce, and other plugins are already available in multiple languages, and in my case, all translations are there.
If I go to Settings > General > Site Language > Language A – everything displays properly in Language A
If I go to Settings > General > Site Language > Language B – everything displays properly in Language B
I do NOT need any translation plugins or services. All I need is to be able to display the site either in Language A or Language B without changing the Site Language setting.
I understand WordPress is available in different languages but is not “multilingual” out of the box. But since all the translations are already there, is it possible com accomplish this without a translation plugin?
Thank you
]]>if you use Full Site Editing Themes, you have to rely on blocks. But there is no language switch for blocks in the free version. Only the pro version for 99$ contains such a block. This makes the free version relative useless for the future of WordPress.
I always recommended polylang to partners, friends of the WordPress Community, on Meetups and so on. But under this circumstances I won’t recommend it anymore.
]]>Now I would like to hide the German language switch for visitors from the United States.
I have been looking for hours for a plugin for this purpose, but could only find plugins to create redirects.
I would appreciate someone can help me with this.
Thank you so far!
I have problem with my WooCommerce gallery.
As I create new product, filling it up (adding information, details, images and in gallery some images) and I’d like to create same product in another language – choosing from Languages the “flag + product name in another language”, it doesn’t load gallery images from previous language and I have to add them manually again.
I have same theme, plugins etc (copy-paste) in another site and there everything works. What am I missing here?
]]>However my language switch is only partly working.
When I switch from French to English (clicking the language switch link) the menu appears in english.
However as soon as I click any of the links in the English menu, the menu is switching back to French.
NOTE: I have correctly set the local of my english pages using a filter in functions. php so I see at the to of the pagE:
<!doctype html>
<html lang=”en_US”>
All content on the page is in English, but the French menu is being displayed.
]]>Somebody please help “How to Switch to a particular specific page when pressed to the Language Flag”, https://ibb.co/7nwJncc
When I click the language switch button it switches to www.Example.com/1/
But I wanted to switch by default in www.Example.com/2/
On some pages (Blog, über mich – About me, and Kontakt – Contact) I can not switch to English. I am redirected to the German homepage instead.
Other pages (Shamanism, Yoga..) work fine in both languages and switching is no problem.
The links are all set from the German to the English languages.
I use https. But there seems to be a problem. When I deactivate the plug-in which forces the https and I look at my website with http, everything workes just fine. So I guess the problem is about the https, but I can not figure out what it is.
Hope someone is not as clueless as I am.