(function($) {
$(“#alg_wc_ev_send_verify”).text(“new text XXXXX”);
$(“#alg_wc_ev_resend_verify”).text(“new text XXXXX”);
Would you take a look and check whether the javascript is correct or not?
Would you add those tex to language file(pot) in the near future?
Thank you.
Thank you for checking this item.
]]>I created a complete German translation of Front End PM and uploaded the language files (front-end-pm-de_DE.mo, front-end-pm-de_DE.po) to the …/plugins/front-end-pm/languages folder. Today I realized that the translation isn’t working anymore and found that the
files have somehow disappeared from the folder. Then I realized that Front End PM was updated from version 11.3.1 to 11.3.3 last Saturday.
Is it possible that the language files were deleted during the update? If so, how can I prevent this from happening in the next update?
BTW: I also tried to upload the files to …/wp-content/languages to get them “update-safe”. But that doesn’t work, the user-interface is still english. The translation only seems to be recognized if the files are saved in the folder …/plugins/front-end-pm/languages.
Thank you in advance and best Regards,
Recently some weird issue popped up, maybe you will have an idea where it is coming from.
My woocommerce-nl_NL.mo and po files which are located in /public_html/wp-content/languages/plugins get updated every several hours and overwrite changes i have made.
I also noticed that a lot of json files are created (around 270), something like this:
Contents of such a json file is below:
{“translation-revision-date”:”2020-09-20 17:55:06+0000″,”generator”:”GlotPress\/3.0.0-alpha.2″,”domain”:”messages”,”locale_data”:{“messages”:{“”:{“domain”:”messages”,”plural-forms”:”nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;”,”lang”:”nl”},”Loading\u2026″:[“Laden\u2026″]}},”comment”:{“reference”:”packages\/woocommerce-blocks\/assets\/js\/base\/components\/loading-mask\/index.js”}}
Every file has different content, and it looks like it is updating different strings..
Any idea where it is coming from?
]]>Regards, Harry
]]>I use the plugin in my web page.
I use a function of show total cost in my page.
The total cost subject is in English even though my page is in Japanese.
Please tell me how to change the subject to Japanese.
I obtained Japanese language files and set the files up in directory named languages. (wp-content/plugin/appointment-hour-booking/languages/)
But the file was removed when the plugin is updated.
Please tell me how to continue the language files setting.
Thank you.
]]>I would like to change the “Review” title of the translated theme to Hebrew.
For that I need please to know the path to the theme’s language file in Hebrew.
Many many thanks!
]]>Thank you very much!
Best regards,
i checked several topics to find solution, but i could not manage to change some english words to my local language. (hungarian)
On the main calendar page (mont view) there are:
1. Események for 2017. február (here the “for” in in ENG)
2.”keyword” – i need to translate this to HU
3. “export event” button translation is missing.
Please help me where can i edit these expressions! Thanks!