By Various Artists
Configure K2 or visit the support forums, the wiki or the bug tracker. K2 was developed by Michael, Chris, Zeo, Steve, Ben and Eric Marden, and is licensed under the GPL.
Tags: blue, custom-header, fixed-width, flexible-width, one-column, two-columns, three-columns, theme-options, threaded-comments, microformats, translation-ready, light
I am new to WP and tried to make a child page appear under my contact us page/tab. I can’t get the child page to show up. Is there anything I am doing wrong or anything I have missed?
]]>I can’t seem to find any options to upload a new header image or anything in the Appearance menu, so I am very confused about what happened to it. My header image (a purple image with leaves and my blog title) is still on the server, and when I preview new themes my header shows up.
My question is, is there a problem with the K2-lite theme? Is there any way to fix my custom header or should I look for a new theme to install?
]]>I’m using wordpress 3.0
My computer specs
Powerbook G4
OSX 10.4.11
Firefox 3.6.10
Thanks for the help,
]]>Using k2 theme, how can I change the sidebar to LEFT? I tried to hack the CSS but nada so far…
Appreciate your feedback!!
]]>I recently installed WordPress on my 000webhost server using FTP. I installed my k2 theme fine, but I can’t upload a custom image for the theme.
It gives me this error:
The uploaded file could not be moved to /home/a5775874/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2010/04
I created the uploads/2010/04 directory myself, because it wasn’t there when I installed.
P.S. my blog is waddlecheats.tk
Please help!
]]>I’m quite new to WordPress and just installed in on a 000webhost server. When I tried editing my k2 theme for a custom header image, it gave me this error prompt:
Unable to create directory /home/a5775874/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2010/04. Is its parent directory writable by the server?
Can anyone help me please?
I have recently upgraded my blog to the K2 theme.
And I would like to change the background image.
Currently it is a boring white, and I would like to add a jpeg image I’ve designed myself.
Is this possible?
And how do I go about it?
Many big thanks.
I’m sure there’s a simple answer to this, I set up my wordpress site on my mac using MAMP and then copied it over to my website host. Somehow the K2 style directory hasn’t changed to reflect the new site.
Under K2 Options > Styles
it says
There are no css files found in: /Users/tom/Sites/tomcecil/wordpress/wp-content/themes/k2/styles.
Is there a way to update this path?
]]>When I click on a thumbnail I get this error on the section
Additional Info (I don’t know if it is from wordpress or from K2)
Additional Info
* Dimensions:
Warning: getimagesize(/mounted-storage/home37a/sub002/sc30070-QKAF/blog/wp-media/stephanie_rice_fhm_4.jpg) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/lomasi5/lomasinteresante/blog/wp-content/themes/k2/image.php on line 52
px × px
* File Size:
Warning: filesize() [function.filesize]: stat failed for /mounted-storage/home37a/sub002/sc30070-QKAF/blog/wp-media/stephanie_rice_fhm_4.jpg in /home/lomasi5/lomasinteresante/blog/wp-content/themes/k2/image.php on line 56
* Uploaded on: Agosto 17, 2008
This is the path of my old hosting: /mounted-storage/home37a/sub002/sc30070-QKAF/blog/wp-media/
This is the path of my new hosting: /home/lomasi5/lomasinteresante/blog/wp-media
I decided to search for all “/mounted-storage/…..” in my database and replace them with “/home/lomasi5/…..”. I did so, and now the Additional Info section is shown correctly, but the images are no thumbs any more, they are shown full size.
(I replace all “/home/lomasi5/…” with ” /mounted-storage/h…” so the images were shown correctly, but the Additional Info shows the error again)
I’m using 2.7.