A op??o de aparecer no produto está ativa. Meu tema é o JupiterX usando o Elementor com flexbox. N?o vi nenhum erro no console.
A página de contato que está na descri??o do plugin n?o funciona e n?o encontrei no site onde contatar para esse tipo de problema, espero que por aqui dê em algo. De qualquer forma talvez no site n?o esteja ativo pois vou tentar outras op??es, mas caso o suporte da Kangu queira posso entrar em contato e ajudar com testes.
]]>Until this plugin receives an update I can’t use it anymore.
]]>I am using JupiterX theme for my website along with polylang. But, I am facing a weird issue that when I tried to go to appearance -> customizer while polylang is active, it shows me 504 error.
However, when I deactivate polylang it’s all start working fine.
I checked with JupiterX team and they told me its error due to polylang and can be fixed if database related to polylang can be reset. But, neither they nor I am able to find the option to reset only polylang database.
So JupiterX team suggests me to contact you.
Can you help me in fixing this issue?
Thanks & Regards
]]>I want to set up a custom 404-page in the Jupiter X Lite-Theme. How can I do this?
I achieved setting up a custom maintenance-page but I struggle with the 404-page.
Can anybody help me, please?
Thank you,
**** GERMAN ****
Hallo zusammen,
ich m?chte eine eigene 404-Seite für meine Webseite (mit Jupiter X Lite-Theme) erstellen. Wie kann ich das umsetzen? Ich habe es hinbekommen, eine eigene Seite für den Wartungsmodus zu erstellen, aber das mit dem 404 bekomme ich nicht hin.
Wei? jemand, wie ich das umsetzen kann?
Vielen Dank,
What should I do?
Thank you for your help
I made this website using the JupiterX theme and Elementor Page Builder.
For some reason the following two pages are wider than viewport. So if you scroll to the right, there is an extension. I have no idea why this happens and this should not be the case.
1) https://sslrent.be/
2) https://sslrent.be/over-ons/
All the other pages on this website don’t have this problem. Any ideas what I have to look for or how I can fix this problem?
Thank you for your help!
Best regards.
]]>I’m not moaning as I know it’s not possible to make it working with every single theme, but just letting you know in case you wanted to have a look into this in the future.
I’m using JupiterX theme by Artbees, unfortunately, the email customizer won’t open, it goes into fatal error.
The errors are all related to the theme.
]]>I’m using the Jupiter X theme and editing with Elementor Pro.
Have tried about 30 different custom CSS from 20 different posts on the topic using both the theme customizer and the single product template page and messed with settings for hours. NOTHING WORKS! I want those fields gone. I’ll make my own fields in the template if I want something on there.
Please help.