I set it up with a wallet system, which also worked perfectly with normal gross values.
However, this does not work with JTL, as JTL only transmits net prices to WooCommerce, even if gross prices are displayed to the customer. (The plugin that connects WooCommerce to JTL has a setting that automaticly configurates WooCommerce, so that both databases don’t cause issues)
I ran through 3 cases that make the problem clear (see below).
To test this, I tried two wallet plugins that dealt with the problem in exactly the same way.
So I came to the conclusion that these only work if the gross prices are stated directly in Woocommerce.
These plugins do not have the option to switch between gross and net.
Has anyone had a similar problem or built something similar and found a working plugin for it?
Or maybe an idea how to solve this more easily, with a different solution?
The only solutions I can think of are wallet plugins or the coupon solution via Woocommerce.
However, with coupons via Woocommerce, residual values ??would expire and you would have to create the coupons for each customer individually.
(In the wallet there was the option of either transferring an amount directly to the wallet when the account was created or assigning it later.)
Example cases:
(All orders include VAT)
Case 1:
Works perfectly: invoice is correct, wallet billing is correct
Case 2:
Works perfectly: invoice is correct, wallet billing is correct
Case 3:
Result: you can pay via wallet + PayPal
But: you pay €87.82 (wallet) and €16.68 for the rest
In this case, the plugin always indicates the VAT value, which must be subsequently paid via PayPal.
It also shows in the checkout that you have used €100 from the wallet, which is incorrect.
However, it is displayed correctly in the calculation list of the cash register.
No VAT is charged in the invoice in Woo.
]]>Zus?tzlich habe ich das Problem dann auch anders rum, wenn ich also in der Wawi die Zahlung hinzufüge und das Paket versende, ?ndert sich in WooCommerce nicht der Status auf abgeschlossen.
Hoffentlich kann mir jemand helfen.
]]>Viele Grü?e und würde mich über Tipps freuen, Matthias.
]]>MFG Karsten
]]>It caused plenty bug with other plugins because “Adresszeile 1” should be used for street and house number.
Have a nice day
Jan W.