I appreciate any collaboration.
]]>Manual convfiguration>>>??
3rd party scripts configuration???
Need help
Really apologize for any inconveniences and thank you for the hard work.
Okay, so this one is really weirding me out. It seems that the whole page optimization settings are not working for our site. I’ve been debugging this one for hours and I would really be thankful for any help I can please get. I have cleared all caches, refreshed the domain key, disabled, and enabled a lot of settings. I have also manually deleted the contents of the cache folder in the server.
So far, I have enabled these CSS and JS Optimization settings ( I also tried to just enable minify only, combine only) but it seems that it’s really not doing anything.
Check my JS Optimization settings here: https://prnt.sc/w3wgx1
Check my CSS Optimization settings here: https://prnt.sc/w3w5f0
The CSS and JS Optimization is not working, even if I enabled, or disabled settings to any part.
You can check the result here with disabled cache on developers tool: https://prnt.sc/w3w2g3
PS. Cache Settings are working great, just this page optimization weirding me out.
I have also sent a report number, please check here.
Report number: BRNHXNWE
Report date: 12/16/2020 11:49:40
unfortunately I would like to delete the auto optimizer plugin, but if I do, it breaks the fusion slider of the Avada theme. It is a problem with the Javascript optimization, the merging of Javascript files (second option from top) more specifically. If I reinstall the plugin and recheck the option the slider works again.
How can I roll-back the merged JS-files option safely, without distroying the slider? I tried activating the JS-compiler of the Avada theme, but not difference.
Thanks a lot for your help, much appreciated.
]]>I would need some help finding the JS script on my site, which results into an error when loading my page with optimized (deferred) JS files.
The website loads fine with ?ao_noptimize=1 added to my URL..
All other explorers work fine with your JS optimization.
Thank you for the great plugin! The Google fonts optimization is rocking!
I would like to ask if you could help with the next problem. The browser caching isn’t working for the internal resources excluded from plugin optimization.
I’ve enabled JS optimization and excluded me-js dependencies that cause console errors from optimization. See screenshots here: WP dashboard and pingdom speed test.
I’ve used this .htaccess instructions from SiteGround to leverage browser caching.
Thank you,
My page has a MailChimp subscribe form that uses:
<script type='text/javascript' src='//s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.mailchimp.com/js/mc-validate.js'></script>
When I combine JS, this is breaking some other elements, so I want to exclude that.
I’ve tried a couple of approaches:
using the tuning section of the plugin settings to exclude the file – mc-validate.js – but it doesn’t seem to accept the externally sourced file. Is that right?
I’ve also tried adding data-no-optimize="1"
to the call for the script, but that seems to be getting stripped out. Is that right?
Any thoughts how i can prevent that particular script from being combined with my other JS?
]]>Thanks and greetings from Germany,