I have disabled all my plugin, uninstall the helo elementor theme and remove all short codes but the script is still reflecting on my site.
ref: view-source:https://analyticsindiamag.com/
<script type="text/javascript"> (function() { var t = document.createElement( 'script' ); t.type = 'text/javascript'; t.async = true; t.id = 'gauges-tracker'; t.setAttribute( 'data-site-id', '61c0aa6feaa9a71f45083877' ); t.src = '//secure.gaug.es/track.js'; var s = document.getElementsByTagName( 'script' )[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore( t, s ); })(); </script>
The end result is that browser caching of all translated assets for our website and/or download speed of translations is not where it should be.
Kindly explain why we’re not seeing the “Google” CDN listed next to “translate.googleapis.com” and – if possible – kindly provide a JS Code that we can add to the header of our website to fix the above concerns.
If you don’t mind, please don’t mark this topic as “Resolved” until I have a chance to review your reply.
Thank you. Stay safe!
]]>I did a popup with javascript code from an advertising agency. When i dont display popup on my website i have views in the advertiser’s panel. The JS code must run in the background of the page. How i can turn off popup and dont run js code which is in popup?
]]>How can i resolve this problem ?
]]>Please Advise.