I noticed the tabs a v similar to background colour making it difficult to see.
Didn’t scope this out to your plugin specifically but could easily be done.
.ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav .ui-tabs-anchor {
color: #222 !important;
Thank you so much for your effort with this plugin it’s great and hugely appreciated.
]]>Want I want to achieve is to have the link open the tab content as if it were that tabs title.
…(again, the link would be on the same page)
For Example:
<a href="#tabs_desc_55_1">Hot Sandwiches</a>
<div id="tab_container_55">
<ul class="wpsm_nav wpsm_nav-tabs" role="tablist" id="myTab_55">
<li role="presentation" class="">
<a href="#tabs_desc_55_1" aria-controls="tabs_desc_55_1" role="tab" data-toggle="tab" aria-expanded="false">
<span>Hot Sandwiches</span></a></li>
<!-- Tab panes -->
<div class="tab-content" id="tab-content_55">
<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane animated active" id="tabs_desc_55_1">
<h3>Hot Sandwiches</h3>
<small><em>Served on pita bread and your choice of fries, double salad, hummus or spanakopita.</em></small>
]]>You can see what I’m talking about here:
]]>When I come into the page, the # value brings the selected tab to the front eg
opens tab 4 as you would expect.
However with all except the default tab the viewport scrolls to the bottom of the page rather than, as one would expect, to the anchor position.
any ideas.
the live code is here;
clicking through from
a good instance is
and in Safari, my hashs are stripped out altogether
any ideas?
]]><script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(function() {
jQuery( "#tabs" ).tabs( {
activate: function( event, ui ) {
var mashup = jQuery( ".pgm", ui.newPanel );
var map = mashup.data( "google-maps" );
google.maps.event.trigger( map, "resize" );
It is working fine, however, either the marker is not showing or the map is not centering to the location. It is not a mashup, just a simple map with a single location.
Here is the code for the PHP side.
<?php $lat = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), '_pronamic_google_maps_latitude', true );
$lng = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), '_pronamic_google_maps_longitude', true ); ?>
<?php if ( function_exists( 'pronamic_google_maps' ) ) {
pronamic_google_maps( array(
'width' => 1350,
'height' => 390,
'latitude' => $lat,
'longitude' => $lng,
'fit_bounds' => false,
'marker_options' => array(
'icon' => 'path to icon here'
'map_options' => array(
'styles' => array(
(object) array(
'stylers' => array(
(object) array( 'visibility' => 'on' ),
(object) array( 'hue' => '#0008ff' ),
(object) array( 'saturation' => '-100' ),
) );
} ?>
As you can see, I have also tried using the lat and lng to center it with fit bounds false, still the marker is not showing or maybe the map is not centered to that location. The marker is alright in the first tab though.
]]>I have an include file that’s been working for almost a year, but today I’m getting a console error on this statement:
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
// News sidebar tabs
$( "div.tabs-nohdr" ).tabs({
show: {
The console error is “Uncaught Type Error: undefined is not a function.”
I checked out the page source and the jQuery library is correctly being called before the tabs function call.
Any ideas why this may have suddenly stopped working?
]]>Please update to the recent plugin version. Having said that, please be mindful about: