Recently I had to restore my WordPress Network install from backup and further had to remove and reinstall Jetpack.
Now the Related Posts feature is not showing on any posts, on any of my WordPress Network sites.
Strangely, when I was creating a new post and hit “preview”, the related posts are showing there, but when it was published, they no longer show up.
Looking at the code of the page displayed, you can see the script and the call for the posts is there, but they don’t show up. Any ideas?
Thank you!
Quick question, hoping someone with more knowledge of PHP than me can assist.
I’m using the Jetpack Related Posts functionality, and through the use of their own documentation I managed to add a filter to ignore a certain category, in this case ‘press-release’. However, I would like to add a secondary category to this function as well, but I can’t quite figure it out myself. The category I would like to add is ‘sponsored’
This is how the script current looks:
add_filter( ‘get_the_date’, ‘et_last_modified_date_blog’ );
add_filter( ‘get_the_time’, ‘et_last_modified_date_blog’ );
function jetpackme_filter_exclude_category( $filters ) {
$filters[] = array(
‘not’ => array(
‘term’ => array(
‘category.slug’ => ‘press-release’,
return $filters;
add_filter( ‘jetpack_relatedposts_filter_filters’, ‘jetpackme_filter_exclude_category’ );
Very thankful if somebody could help me out.
Issue Screencast:
]]>Here is one such link:
Test blog
It should display the article with related posts at bottom of the page on mobile devices.
It works fine for desktop browsers though.
]]>With admin login: It’s okay. I set 6 posts
Without admin login:
Please help me fix this. Thank you
]]>Hi. I use Jetpack’s related posts feature in my site and noticed it was not showing up after my posts even tho the DIV for it was in the code. Then I contacted Jetpack support and we discovered that the problem is a conflict with Polylang. Apparently Polylang is messing up JSON and preventing the Jetpack feature to appear.
I did search my problem here in the support forum and saw 2 other posts relating the same issue, but the posts were from 2 years ago and didn’t provide a solution.
Do you guys already have a fix for it?
Thank you.
Link to my post in Jetpack support forum:
How would I center-align the text heading and thumbnails for the “Related Posts” section at the bottom of each post? I don’t want the text and pictures flush against the left side, but rather have them centered.
Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!