I’ve put javascript in <script> tags, in the same div as the form, but it stops the form displaying. I can’t even find the Flatpicker options file in the plugin.
1. How can I customise the date picker?
2. How do I initalise the config?
3. Where do I put the config?
minDate: "today",
maxDate: new Date().fp_incr(14) // 14 days from now
There is a lot of information here:
I can see what I need to use, I just don’t know where the javascript goes.
Thank you.
<script src="https://extern.finnik.nl/kentekenbox/v1/kb.js" type="text/javascript">
I can see this appearing in my header when i look at the source of a page when i use this:
function my_finnik_js() {
echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="https://extern.finnik.nl/kentekenbox/v1/kb.js"></script>';
// Add hook for front-end <head></head>
add_action('wp_head', 'my_finnik_js');
Now line 2)
<script type="text/javascript">
initFinnikKentekenbox('Het Automeisje', 'finnik-kentekenbox-container', 300, false);
When i try to get this in the head also, with code below, it crashes my site.
function my_finnik2_js() {
<?php wp_enqueue_script('custom', 'initFinnikKentekenbox('De leukste autosite van Nederland', 'finnik-kentekenbox-container', 300, false)'); ?>
// Add hook for front-end <head></head>
add_action('wp_head', 'my_finnik2_js');
I’m an absolute beginner in this and i hope someone can tell me why it doesn’t work, or rather how it WILL work.
Thanks in advance, Marco
I check my blog bgbug.ru at Google PageSpeed Insights and got some issues related to JS and CSS.
I fixed them following by the instruction given here
Everything works like a charm. But i still got one issue with
“Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content” warning. Google shows only one URL:
https://bgbug.ru/wp-content/cache/minify/000000/69ce1/default.include.dcb77e.css (file name “default.include.dcb77e.css” differs from time to time).
Is there any tips how to fix it?
]]><form method='POST' action="">
<input type=hidden name=rate value=up>
<input type=submit value=submit>
if(isset($_POST['rate'])) {
if($_POST['rate']=='up') {
if($_POST['rate']=='down') {
echo "UP:".get_post_meta($post->ID,'up',true);
echo "DOWN:".get_post_meta($post->ID,'down',true);
from rate your post without WordPress plugin. It works fine, BUT, only if user is logged in or site in not using any caching plugin like WP Super cache, or any other.
I guess it will need some java/Ajax script to work when page is cached?
]]>I wanted to know if there is any way to add vk.com comments.
I tried to manually change the code in commenting.js under ” // disqus” line, so that instead of disqus i would have vk comments, but I failed.
Any help, please?
Here is the code from vk.com to show comments form:
<!-- Put this script tag to the <head> of your page -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="//vk.com/js/api/openapi.js?116"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
VK.init({apiId: 4963714, onlyWidgets: true});
<!-- Put this div tag to the place, where the Comments block will be -->
<div id="vk_comments"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
VK.Widgets.Comments("vk_comments", {limit: 10, width: "650", attach: "*"});
Any idea how to have it as one of the tabs, together with facebook and google+?
]]>The theme I believe has the Jquery slider installed. However, I wasn’t able to create more sliders with the shortcodes. the sliders showed up blank.
So my initial solution was to install the Thumbnail Gallery so that I could create the needed thumbnails, however I still needed to create multiple sliders for the homepage, so I purchased the WP slider to create the sliders that I needed and I’m having trouble with making the new sliders responsive.
The author of the theme is not available. The author of the plugin is also unable to help me. but says that there is Javascript error:
Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method ‘flexslider’ custom.js:57
It goes through the small logo images and pulls up a larger picture and some html text with it.
Also if you know how I can achieve the effect with the boxes over mount Everest that would be highly helpful too!
]]>I have an image-carousel on my website, www.synergycarbon.com , at the bottom of the home-screen. There is something making the images in that carousel show up TINY, even though the carousel settings are set to width:140 height:169. The coding for the images is coming out around 12-13% because something is overriding the carousel-plugins css.
See screenshot: https://screencast.com/t/FFKfMsI3
Can anyone tell me where to find the culprit line of script in the Gridiculous theme? Thank you!!
]]>In order to get these pages to display correctly, we went with an iframe on each of the 6 pages to satisfy the IE users. But now iOS devices (about 15% of our website visitors) can not view these 6 pages correctly because the iframe takes so long to load, no one will wait around that long on their mobile devices.
NEED: To put the Javascript code back into the pages, remove the iframe codes, then have the 6 pages, and these 6 pages only, not the entire site, detect IE browser users and redirect them to an iframe version of the exact same page(s).
Is this possible, and if so, how?
I know I will need to create 6 Javascript page versions and 6 iframe page versions to satisfy the IE redirect, which is fine. Like I said, if it is too complicated I can make the 6 pages 1, since 5/6 are specific categories that can all be reached anyways from 1/6. Do I insert redirect code on the Javascript pages, making those the main links where IE users are redirected?
Currently I have the iframe running on the pages, the main page can be seen at test.boerke.com/search-listings. And I dont want the entire site to redirect, just these pages with the iframe or Javasript code.
]]>Why? Because now the images are to close to the text and I want it to have at least some PX of space between an image and the text.
The only thing that I can do to fix this is changing my posts HTML everytime by hand, but I just want it to put out the richt code.
I tried to change/hack the wp-includes/js/tinymce/tiny_mce.js but it′s to big, so I better don′t even start changing it because I′m not an expert in that.
Anyone here who′ll know how/were to fix this “bug” in te javascript-editor???
Example post of image way to close to the text (wrong richeditor output): https://www.macamba.nl/2006/09/nueva-esparta-respecteert-prive-bezittingen/nl/
Example post after editing HTML (output as I want it to make)