KNOWN BUGS I’M Working On Fixing
]]>I want to contribute to your project by the inclusion of two features I’ve been using in my own plug-in titled WP Innova Pro which is a commercial editor based on the commercially licensed Innova Editor. I can’t give the editor away free because of the license. But I can contribute to your project some features that are ideal for end users.
How can I contact you and how can I become a contributor to your project.
Jared Ritchey
jared – at –
]]>What do I enter for: Menu wrapper top? Menu wrapper bottom?
Also, if the menu is going to appear in a widget, where do I place the php code?
As it happens, my theme, Atahualpa 3.4.2, doesn’t have a sidebar.php file, and the coding for the built in menus (horizontals that appear below the header) are in their own files (e.g. bfa_hor_pages.php).
Thanks in advance.
]]>It will be semi beta for some themes but should work for those themes with a normalized WP Hierarchy
]]>Here is the long answer.
The entire reason we built this plug-in was for developers and designers who want to build sites and give users a great deal of control over their navigation.
Its my estimate that 95% of the XHTML compliant menus out there on the web are usually Unordered lists. The output generated by the Menu Creator is entirely XHTML compliant un-ordered lists.
You can go to nearly any site that offers menu layouts like say or maybe and even and will notice that all of the menus are some sort coded unordered list. This is the ideal menu structure in my opinion.
When we built the Menu Creator we knew that if we published any code at all with the Menu Creator that we would end up having people call our plug-in limited. So we chose instead to demonstrate the maximum possible examples and to demonstrate the unlimited potential of the types of menus you can use, we decided to publish examples (by permission) the code from popular sources around the web. All we do is build a guide with the code altered to work with the Menu Creator.
Now, granted, I’ve been up to my butt in work with Real Estate websites, but I will none the less be on this over the 4th of July weekend with about a dozen new examples published on the UltimateIDX site and we have the plugin support forum ready as well.
If anyone contacts me, I’m willing to look at your theme and help you publish your menu until I can get the balance of the documentation done.
BTW, reviews and feedback are always appreciated.
Jared Ritchey
]]>i have installed wp-menu-creator plugin in my wordpress blog, it’s all fine in the wp-admin envirenment. i create menues and submenus with links. then i put the following code given by the authur of plugin <?php displayMenu(1, 2); ?> into my template but nothing happens. i mean the should be my menu in my site bur nothing shows up.
please you people help me out with this, it’s so important for me.
]]>Thanks in advance!
]]>Is there any possible notification option?
]]>What can I do?
Thanks so much!
The plugin seems really cool tho! Please help me make it work.
What can I do?
Thanks so much!
The plugin seems really cool tho! Please help me make it work.