regards, Ari
]]>Fatal error: Declaration of Inpsyde\Debug\InpsydeDebugModule::run(Psr\Container\ContainerInterface $container) must be compatible with Dhii\Modular\Module\ModuleInterface::run(?Psr\Container\ContainerInterface $c = NULL) in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 29
Do you have any idea what can be causing it?
]]>FYI – WordPress, Woocomerce and Zettle POS Integration are the most up to date versions available.
]]>any ideas where i’m going wrong?
thank you
I have 2 questions:
Is there also an option to Delete products in WooCommerce if they no longer exists in iZettle?
Also is it possible to change WooCommerce stock when stock is put in manually in iZettle?
(For example when I get a new delivery of goods and want to update the stock via iZettle)
Basically what I want is to create a situation where my customer is able to manage stocklevels and products via their iZettle. So iZettle must be a master and WooCommerce is the slave. A situation which I am not be able to create yet with this plugin… Hope you have a solution
Kind regards,
]]>Products I create on the portal appear in the IZettle app – exporting data from iZettle makes no difference between the imported products and those I have created on the portal.
am I the only one who has this problem? Is it the structure of the data during upload or can you identify the error?
Kindly regards
]]>Any help would be greatly appreciated.Thanks in advance
// sync every 15 minutes instead of every hour
add_filter( 'wc_square_sync_interval', function( $interval ) {
return 15 * MINUTE_IN_SECONDS;
} );