I go to their validator site, https://podba.se/validate/?url=https://nu-wine.org/wordpress/feed/mp3/
Run my feed and,
Your channel is missing an?itunes:explicit?element.
However, the element is actually there!?
.Episode Description > See More Settings > Type > Trailer
), then the most recent episode marked as “Full Episode” in the same place becomes set as <podcast:trailer>
to appear in the <item> section for a show’s feed is to set the Type to “Full Episode”. Leaving it at “Full (default)” omits ANY <itunes:episodeType>
tag from appearing for that <item>
. <itunes:episodeType>
tag along with <itunes:episode>
and, if it exists, <itunes:season>
. But I can 100% confirm that if <itunes:episodeType>
is missing, then Apple Subscriptions will NOT match and will, instead, post a duplicate episode to subscribers’ feeds. <itunes:episodeType>
tag to appear and, then, because of the first bug I mentioned, PowerPress (now) makes that episode the trailer, too.in our community site we will insert social lins – that works perfect with the Social Icons widget block. But I’m missing the itunes icon for a link to our itunes podcast.
How can I insert a new icon to the Social Icons block?
best regards
Is it possible for Spotify to pick up our RSS or is podcasting exclusively with itunes?
]]>I have some problems with the language tag in my RSSfeed and Apple Podcast.
Though I have the language tag used (<language>de-DE</language>) Apple Podcast doesn’t accept that and my Podcast isn’t accepted into Itunes. I dont know what to do and it seems that nobody has this problem too. Can you help me?
My RSS-Feed:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss version="2.0"
<atom:link href="...." rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
<lastBuildDate>Thu, 24 Jun 2021 16:32:25 +0000</lastBuildDate>
<!-- podcast_generator="Blubrry PowerPress/8.6.6" mode="advanced" feedslug="podcast" Blubrry PowerPress Podcasting plugin for WordPress (https://www.blubrry.com/powerpress/) -->
<atom:link rel="hub" href="https://pubsubhubbub.appspot.com/" />
<itunes:image href="..." />
]]>I am wondering how to manage the general settings so that the subtitle of my podcast is visible to listeners on iTunes. Currently my podcast only shows the title but the description that would help listeners to better discern what the podcast is about is missing. I have already added a subtitle under settings “subtitle” but still no subtitle is showing on iTunes. Any idea how I can fix this?
Greatly appreciate your help.
[Signature links removed by moderator per forum guidelines.]
]]>The PowerPress plugin makes all that easy. PowerPress is published for free by Blubrry, a podcast hosting service. PowerPress will work with any podcast host, but since you have to pay for hosting anyway, I chose Blubrry to make life easy. WordPress is complicated enough, this one was easy.
Great tech support. Happy user.