and any Solution for dynamic IP address?
]]>What I have to do to Dismiss the notice:
Please see the following video where I show this bug:
Am I the only one that has this problem? I already tried it with all plugins disabled but no luck. Please take a look at it and perhaps make a fix for it.
]]>For quite some time I’ve been noticing several of the websites we look after having a periodic issue.
Sometimes, seemingly at random we’d see the error on WP Super Cache’s Settings page: (And annoyingly ONLY there.)
WP_CACHE constant added to wp-config.php
If you continue to see this warning message please see point 5 of the Troubleshooting Guide. The WP_CACHE line must be moved up.
and then after refreshing the page we’d see:
Warning! WP Super Cache caching was broken but has been fixed! The script advanced-cache.php could not load wp-cache-phasel.php.
The file /srv/users/xxxxxx/apps/production/public/w-content/advanced-cache.php has been recreated and WPCACHEHOME fixed in your wp-config.php. Reload to hide this message.
Problem is the issue would reoccur again within 24 hours at times.
Looking in wp-config for the WP_Cache constant we see that it’s been placed within a section of code that’s in use by iThemes’ Security. eg:
// BEGIN iThemes Security - Do not modify or remove this line
// iThemes Security Config Details: 2
define('WP_CACHE', true);
define( 'DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true ); // Disable File Editor - Security > Settings > WordPress Tweaks > File Editor
// END iThemes Security - Do not modify or remove this line
I believe iThemes’ Security is continually stripping out the WP Super Cache constant that’s in it’s section and breaking WP Super Cache as a result.
Hey! That’s my section! You can’t put that here! <erase, erase, erase>
iThemes’ Security
I have moved the lines to the end of the wp-config.php file and I *think* this will solve the issue for us (will be confirmed tomorrow) but this seems to be an “out of the box” compatibility problem between iThemes’ Security and WP Super Cache
define('WP_CACHE', true);
define( 'WPCACHEHOME', '/srv/users/serverpilot/apps/production/public/wp-content/plugins/wp-super-cache/' );
/** Sets up WordPress vars and included files. */
require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-settings.php';
]]>Sometimes, seemingly at random we’d see the error on WP Super Cache’s Settings page: (And annoyingly ONLY there.)
WP_CACHE constant added to wp-config.php
If you continue to see this warning message please see point 5 of the Troubleshooting Guide. The WP_CACHE line must be moved up.
and then after refreshing the page we’d see:
Warning! WP Super Cache caching was broken but has been fixed! The script advanced-cache.php could not load wp-cache-phasel.php.
The file /srv/users/xxxxxx/apps/production/public/w-content/advanced-cache.php has been recreated and WPCACHEHOME fixed in your wp-config.php. Reload to hide this message.
Problem is the issue would reoccur again within 24 hours at times.
Looking in wp-config for the WP_Cache constant we see that it’s been placed within a section of code that’s in use by iThemes’ Security. eg:
// BEGIN iThemes Security - Do not modify or remove this line
// iThemes Security Config Details: 2
define('WP_CACHE', true);
define( 'DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true ); // Disable File Editor - Security > Settings > WordPress Tweaks > File Editor
// END iThemes Security - Do not modify or remove this line
I believe iThemes’ Security is continually stripping out the WP Super Cache constant that’s in it’s section and breaking WP Super Cache as a result.
Hey! That’s my section! You can’t put that here! <erase, erase, erase>
iThemes’ Security
I have moved the lines to the end of the wp-config.php file and I *think* this will solve the issue for us (will be confirmed tomorrow) but this seems to be an “out of the box” compatibility problem between iThemes’ Security and WP Super Cache
define('WP_CACHE', true);
define( 'WPCACHEHOME', '/srv/users/serverpilot/apps/production/public/wp-content/plugins/wp-super-cache/' );
/** Sets up WordPress vars and included files. */
require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-settings.php';
]]>I’m wandering if you might be planning a patch update for this.
It’s the same issue as was mentioned in this other thread that’s marked resolved –
But the issue persists with 1.8.3
Any chance there will be a fix on the horizon?
Thank you.
]]>Since both the Restrict Content plugin and iThemes Security are both part of StellarWP, I wondered – could this be a false-positive?
But then according to the PatchStack report at apparently this is a verified issue because Restrict Content still implements the Freemius library.
I just read this review of Restrict Content – – from 9 months ago, and although I agree that it should not have warranted a 1-star review, it turns out that the reviewer was onto something.
Now I wonder – will this become something that StellarWP is going to patch? Or will this become something that every plugin using the Freemius library versions 2.5.10 will be affected by and is ultimately the solution is going to be a patch from Freemius?
I’m sure it will get sorted, given the popularity of all plugins under StellarWP and the fact that Restrict Content is such a great plugin, but I must admit it’s a little disconcerting at the moment.
Any input from devs?
]]>I investigated a little deeper and saw that during that period both site had a lot of brute-force-attacks. Ok, plugin doing it’s job… but the thing about a “Daily Digest” is that is sent once a day. Which would have been fine. But now it’s sending more than 1000 mails on one day, all with the same subject “Daily Digest”….
Anyone experiencing the same problem?
Thomas Van Geel
]]>Also, in the debug log, I get a PHP memory error. I increased the memory limit to 512 MB but still got the error. How do I fix the problem? My PHP version with my hosting is 7.4. It cannot go higher. If I need to edit the post, I disable iThemes and Contact Form, make the edits, then re-enable these plugins. It seems weird that only one post is affected (the post is over 7000 words, if that matters). The post and site are fine publically. Thank you in advance for your help.