and projects
When I did it with just one filter for?types
?it worked perfectly. Somehow I am doing something wrong when implementing combining filters. But I can not figure out what it is. I’m am still a newcomer to web-development so maybe there is a very simple mistake somewhere.
I created two separate filters for each taxonomy the?filter.php
if( $terms = get_terms( array(
'taxonomy' => 'types', // for the types
'orderby' => 'name'
) ) ) :
// if categories exist, display the dropdown
echo '<button class="button" href="#" data-filter="*">show all</button>'; // create the "show all" button
foreach ( $terms as $term ) :
echo '<button class="button" href="#" data-filter=".' . $term->slug . '">' . $term->name . '</button>';
if ($terms = get_terms(array(
'taxonomy' => 'project', // select the taxonomy to get
'orderby' => 'name'
))) :
// if categories exist, display the dropdown
foreach ($terms as $term) :
echo '<button class="button" href="#" data-filter=".' . $term->slug . '">' . $term->name . '</button>';
Then I initialize isotope in the?javascript
-script like this:
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
// Initialize Isotope
var $container = $('#jobs'); // Assuming "jobs" is the ID of your container
itemSelector: '.element-item', // Change this to match your job item selector
percentPosition: true,
packery: {
columnWidth: '.grid-sizer' // Change this to match your job item selector
// store filter for each group
var filters = {};
$demo.on( 'click', '.button', function() {
var $this = $(this);
// get group key
var $buttonGroup = $this.parents('.button-group');
var filterGroup = $buttonGroup.attr('data-filter-group');
// set filter for group
filters[ filterGroup ] = $this.attr('data-filter');
// combine filters
var filterValue = concatValues( filters );
$grid.isotope({ filter: filterValue });
// flatten object by concatting values
function concatValues( obj ) {
var value = '';
for ( var prop in obj ) {
value += obj[ prop ];
return value;
In my?function.php
?I’m creating shortcodes for the filter to place them on the?header.php
// =========================================================================
// SHORTCODE Type-Filter
// =========================================================================
function isotope_multi_dropdown_shortcode(){
return ob_get_clean();
add_shortcode('isotope-filter-for-jobs', 'isotope_multi_dropdown_shortcode');
* Use the shortcode to show the isotope filter wherever You want
* [isotope-filter-for-jobs]
// =========================================================================
// SHORTCODE Project-Filter
// =========================================================================
function isotope_multi_dropdown_shortcode_projects(){
return ob_get_clean();
add_shortcode('isotope-filter-for-projects', 'isotope_multi_dropdown_shortcode_projects');
* Use the shortcode to show the isotope filter wherever You want
* [isotope-filter-for-projects]
On the?header.php
?I call the function with the shortcode:
// Call the function to display the 'type'-filter
echo '<div class="button-group" data-filter-group="type">';
echo do_shortcode("[isotope-filter-for-jobs]");
echo '</div>';
// Call the function to display the 'project'-filter
echo '<div class="button-group" data-filter-group="project">';
echo do_shortcode("[isotope-filter-for-projects]");
echo '</div>';
]]>I am having the issue that in all grids the “Show all” button does not appear, a few days ago was working fine, but not now.
Any help?
Thank you
]]>TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘msie’)
at https://evelurieporcelain.net/wp-content/themes/business-pro-porcelain/assets/scripts/min/isotope-init.min.js:1:418
at dispatch (https://evelurieporcelain.net/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.min.js:2:43064)
at v.handle (https://evelurieporcelain.net/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.min.js:2:41048)
wp_enqueue_script('isotope-js', 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery.isotope/3.0.6/isotope.pkgd.min.js', array('jquery'), BONCULINA_ELEMENTOR_VERSION, true);
Here is the import of isotope.
]]>For example, in my archive template, an item might have classes “term1-17 term2-4” to indicate the post is in position 17 for term1 and position 4 for term2.
My template code needs to compose those class names.
I’ve looked at the plugin code, and I see an internal function _get_order($post_type, $term_id, $start=0, $length=null). I could theoretically use that (though it’s not public).
Just want to make sure I’m not missing a publicly supported feature that would help me here.
]]>It makes the next row of products not line up correctly.
I want the sold out items listed to remain on the product page.
So I thought a workaround could be to add some text “Not for sale” where the price normally shows up. This would realign the grid so to speak.
How can I implement this change?
What code would I need to add, and where?
Thanks in advance.
]]>The response was that the photo view uses Isotope and the that we will need to dequeue that script and run our own.
I have some experience building custom isotope scripts, so I am inclined to try. However, this post was dated 2016. I just want to be sure there have not been any changes in the past 5 years that I need to account for.
Is that still the prevailing approach for customizing the photo view column? Any additional pointers before I embark on the process?
Thanks, Chris
]]>It may be the conflict with “layout” from Cookie plugin…
]]>The link page is this: https://c2050438.ferozo.com/novedades/
I hope you can help me.
Thank you!