]]>The problem is maybe with Safari in iOS 7. Clicking the “+ iCal Export” link crashes Safari if there’s something about the event description that Safari doesn’t like.
That is, the “Event Details” panel slides up in Mobile Safari, but Safari immediately crashes.
Can others confirm this?
For example, in this event, Safari iOS 7 crashes once the description is any longer than the line “U18 Men 7pm”. I’ve created an identical event, but with the “acceptable” length here.
However, this event also crashed Safari until I retyped it from scratch in the event description panel. (I’d copied it from elsewhere, and pasted it. And even “zapped gremlins” in BBEdit. So I’m not totally convinced I have located the trigger.
Note, for anyone testing this, and confused about how to add the event when the Event Details are any longer than a few lines, you can scroll the Event Details panel up with your finger to locate the “Add To Calendar” link.
Something to take up with Apple?
]]>For the site:
On iPads with current software (iOS 7.1 and the release just before that), links in the righthand widget column do not function if, and only if:
1. the page on which they appear is a Page rather than a Post
2. they fall (appear) above the bottom (linearly speaking) of the page’s main content. So on the front page, on my iPad, the first 9 teaser links appear to the right of content and are inactive, while the 10th falls below the line of the bottom of the page content is works fine.
The problem does not occur on my iPad running iOS 5.1.1.
iPhones: Since the content does not align in the same way for an iPhone (i.e., the links are not physically to the right of the page’s main content) the problem does not come up.
— Changing from my child theme back to base twentyfourteen makes no difference.
— Deactivating Jetpack makes no difference
— Whether the links are in Recent Posts Extended or some other widget makes no difference
— Deactivating Mailchimp (the only plugin returning an error on a validation site) makes no difference.
I should say that this may be an easy or obvious problem. I don’t know what I’m doing, generally speaking. I make a few styling changes for text but otherwise use stuff off the shelf. If there’s a way to run iOS 7 validation I don’t know how to do it. So don’t be shy about telling me what I’m missing, even if what we prove is that I’m being dumb.
Thanks for any help. I love WordPress and find it mind boggling that such a powerful CMS is out there.
]]>The lines appear over everything, including a video I have embedded on the pages (with FV WordPress Flowplayer). The only other plugin installed is Column Shortcodes.
It doesn’t happen to me in Chrome, Safari, Firefox or IE 11 on desktops (Mac or Win). And it doesn’t happen on my parents’ iPads with iOS 6 and iOS 5.
So I guess it’s an iOS 7 issue. I’m not a fantastic developer, but I can wade through some code.
It’s a brand new WordPress install with 3.8.
Has anyone else had this issue or have any ideas of what it could be? Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated.
1. Seek Bar
2. Display remaining time
It only has the play and pause button.
Example link
I am not sure if this a podpress issue or a iOS 7 / Safari “feature”.
]]>I’ve noticed that wpmd_is_phone() or wpmd_is_iphone() aren’t working on iOS 7, tested on a iPhone 5.
I’ve tested with a coworker’s iPhone 4 + iOS 6 and it’s working, it’s also working in my iPhone Emulator (again, iOS 6).
It must be some User Agent new stuff in iOS 7 but I can’t figure out how to solve it, anyone has experienced this?