Oddly, line 106 of invite-anyone.php seems to prevent this feature? Was there a reason for this?
<?php if ( invite_anyone_access_test() && !bp_is_group_create() ) : ?>
I have just removed the && bit to enable it, so the line is now
<?php if ( invite_anyone_access_test() ) : ?>
I would much prefer to do this via a template override though, but where should I put the override file?
Thanks for the great plugin!
]]>They want users to be able to register on their site, enter specific event information, upload photos, have other users be able to comment or vote on those photos, and the ability for a user to be able to invite their friends to their event page (essentially like a forum or “wall” for the event that allows interaction). Events can be public or private and only accessible by those users they choose.
Any leads would be greatly appreciated!
]]>To quote an earlier thread that was closed after two posts:
?when invite is sent the invitee only sees the sign up to wordpress and make a blog page?
Must you have a wordpress account to participate on my website?
Is this just how it works?
Is this something only three people in the world (the two in the link and me) are experiencing?
I’m running Invite Anyone on my MultiSite, and I have buddypress network activated. All registrations happen on the main site of the network, and I really want my members to be able to send invites from any one of the network’s subsites.
Can you tell me how to create a global list of invitations sent by each user? This way, no matter which subsite the invite was sent on, the invite will still be found and marked as accepted during registration.
Do you have any ideas on how this could be done?
]]>I’m looking at the invite_anyone_screen_one_content() function found in the by-email.php file, and I see this:
// If the user has maxed out his invites, no need to go on
if ( !empty( $iaoptions['email_limit_invites_toggle'] ) && $iaoptions['email_limit_invites_toggle'] == 'yes' && !current_user_can( 'delete_others_pages' ) ) {
$sent_invites = invite_anyone_get_invitations_by_inviter_id( bp_displayed_user_id() );
$sent_invites_count = $sent_invites->post_count;
if ( $sent_invites_count >= $iaoptions['limit_invites_per_user'] ) : ?>
<h4><?php _e( 'Invite New Members', 'bp-invite-anyone' ); ?></h4>
<p id="welcome-message"><?php _e( 'You have sent the maximum allowed number of invitations.', 'bp-invite-anyone' ); ?></em></p>
What I’m trying to do is limit the amount of invites that my members can send to 10. After which, they will not be able to send invites until I enable unlimited invites again (after prelaunch).
My question is, does the code above limit the total amount of invites that can be sent by a user? Or does it just limit the amount of invites that can be sent at one time? I see the settings that allow you to control how many can be sent at once, but I don’t see any settings for a total invite limit. Did I overlook something?
]]>I was wondering if you’ve seen anything or know anything about setting up private events. I would like users to be able to set up events with the option of visibility of the event being either publicly visible, visible to friends, or invite only. Any idea on how to do this?
I assume I can hide the content by simply checking friends, or checking if an invite was sent (I set up my own custom invites system, though I may have to fine tune it more as of right now as it is just piggy backing off of buddypress notifications).
If it helps at all, I am currently using your “Front-end” post creation snippet so users create events through that and never see the wp-admin screen.