Error: Invalid response from your WooCommerce store. Please make sure your site is working and no plugins are blocking WooCommerce API access
That’s all we know. If you need some help, please contact our support, provide the error code below, and we’ll see what we can do.
CODE: G510541433
I’ve tried pretty much everything – disabling all plugins bar Woocommerce and Printful, changing themes etc.
I’ve contacted my webhost, hostgator and, after investigation, they say it is the ” WooCommerce store plugin causing the issue” and that there is no issue with the firewall.
Any help with this? I’m on the latest version of wordpress 6.2. Hostgator run PHP 8 as far as I can tell.
Can anyone help with this – anyone had a similar problem?
]]>So when Yoast is activated (current free version 17.9), Printful tells me, “Error: Invalid response from your WooCommerce store. Please make sure your site is working and no plugins are blocking WooCommerce API access”.
I’d like to get to keep Yoast activated, but for now I have to just keep it deactivated to let the syncing work correctly. Any ideas on what might be causing this issue in Yoast and how to fix?
Thanks for any help or suggestions.
Line 170
i see:
function getAjaxURL(endpoint) {
return wc_revolut.ajax_url.toString() + '=wc_revolut_' + endpoint;
this line is wrong because the base AJAX URL could be modified by other plugins that added some querystring VAR in the url.
so, for example, if the base ajax_url became:
then the getAjaxURL(“process_payment_result”) function will return
that obviously is an invalid url and is causing checkout to return an “INVALID RESPONSE” ERROR.
Solution pourposed: split querystring of ajax_url or REGEX-replace wc_ajax querystring param in the ajax_url to inject your endpoint var.
]]>Product was not added!
Error: Invalid response from your WooCommerce store. Please make sure your site is working and no plugins are blocking WooCommerce API access
That’s all we know. If you need some help, please contact our support, provide the error code below, and we’ll see what we can do.
CODE: G139815040
I’ve updated to the latest plugin as well as the latest version of php
]]>ERROR: CREATE_ORDER:RuntimeException: Invalid response, header: {“server”:”nginx”,”date”:”Thu, 12 Dec 2019 14:54:43 GMT”,”content-type”:”application\/problem+json”,”content-length”:”111″,”cache-control”:”public, max-age=0, no-cache”,”link”:”;rel=\”index\””} in /home/customer/www/
Stack trace:
#0 /home/customer/www/ LEClient\LEConnector->request(‘GET’, ‘https://acme-v0…’)
#1 /home/customer/www/ LEClient\LEConnector->get(‘https://acme-v0…’)
#2 /home/customer/www/ LEClient\LEOrder->__construct(Object(LEClient\LEConnector), 1, Array, ‘…’, Array, ‘rsa-4096’, ”, ”)
#3 /home/customer/www/ LEClient\LEClient->getOrCreateOrder(‘…’, Array)
#4 /home/customer/www/ WPLE_Core->wple_generate_order()
#5 /home/customer/www/ WPLE_Core->wple_generate_verify_ssl()
#6 /home/customer/www/ WPLE_Core->__construct(Array)
#7 /home/customer/www/ WPLE_Admin->wple_save_email_generate_certs(”)
#8 /home/customer/www/ WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array)
#9 /home/customer/www/ WP_Hook->do_action(Array)
#10 /home/customer/www/ do_action(‘admin_init’)
#11 {main}
Just walked in to work (I manage a restaurant) to discover that my office manager had crashed the site. Well, SHE didn’t, but the plug-in she installed did.
Our management team was recently given the WordPress login for our site (We have a webmaster, who was hired by the restaurant owner, who is… well, not so awesome. And is located in Israel. Long story. Anyway…). We are pushing a new marketing campaign, so my office manager created a pop-up to gather our site visitor email addresses. She then decided it would be easier to implement said pop-up via the constant contact plugin.
As far as I’m aware, she installed the plug-in correctly, but immediately after doing so, we were not able to access our website OR our WordPress dashboard. Message is “Website Cannot be Reached” error name “Invalid response”.
She immediately went in through our host and accessed the site file manger, deleted the constant contact plug-in folders, and two new files that were added to the cache since she installed the plugin.
That’s when I arrived. My first thought was that the plug-in was not playing nice with our theme, so I went into our site files and just renamed the theme directory. This, obviously, did not work.
Error message we’re getting now is “DNS probe finished nxdomain” …
This is our restaurant’s website, used for guests to order delivery food as well as view our dine-in menu as well as catering and private party services, so we’d like to get back on line asap. Our webmaster, as I said, is in Israel, and is Orthodox Jewish. This is a holiday weekend, so she will probably not be able to work on this for at least another 4 days.
Please help us? ANY advice is much appreciated.
No error messages in the Errors and Debug screen. Again, on multiple sites, so not a theme or plugin incompatibility, I believe.