Example of syntax (the domain is something else but with same special character used):
B?st <info@b?st.se>
Any help and suggestions to what might be causing the problem would be much appreciated!
]]>The dropdown works fine but I have a problem with the mail tab, ‘to’ field. “invalid mailbox syntax is used” appears. No matter how I study all the help & forums about this I cannot get it right.
Can someone please give me a definitive example of how to relate the ‘mail to’ field to the drop down menu data.
Example – Working on one site under Tab “Mail” and for “Additional Headers:
Reply-To: [your-email]
Telephone: [tel-123]
Now going to another site, it did not work and got the red warning of an error
Example – Not working on a second site
Reply-To: [your-email]
Telephone: [tel-456]
I could not figure out why the difference. Then reading this entry here:
Additional Headers invalid mailbox syntax
When that post spoke of the “asterisk” beside the tag name, such as [email* your-email]
, that was the answer.
This means we cannot insert any “additional headers” where the corresponding tag name does NOT have an asterisk included.
Using the examples above, the tag names for email
and tel
MUST have an asterisk included in the settings under the Form tab, in order to insert the same tags in Additional Headers.
Therefore, using the second example above, for those Additional Header entries to work, I must have the following under the Form Tab,
[email* your-email]
[tel* tel-456]
Without the asterisk, entering any tag for Additional Headers will not work and the error will pop-up.
I see this as very important to know. When I view the Contact Form 7 support page that apparently tried to explain this (https://contactform7.com/configuration-errors/invalid-mail-header/), it failed to include the requirement of matching tag asterisk.
This means people who view the support page with the same issue, will never figure out what is wrong when they follow the support page information exactly.
I suggest that the Form 7 developer add that very important piece of information AND any other “important” information that is required for Additional headers to avert syntax errors.
Basically, if you want to provide support information like that support page, write it for those who know very little about tags, WordPress, coding, etc. Always include the “required” information, such as, “All that is required to make it work“, as I have show above, the need for the “asterisk” is definitely a requirement for the Additional Headers to work.
Are there other things required for Additional Headers to work, such as for more advanced settings?
]]>If you use a “Reply-To” header, in “Additional Headers”, under the Mail tab (in admin), it will always show an error: “Invalid mailbox syntax is used in the Reply-To field”, if we are filling the field using dynamictext. CF7 docs, indicate that this syntax should be used for required email Reply-To fields: “[email* your-email]”. However, when using CF7-DTX, I’ve tried syntax like “[email* dynamictext-74]” and “[dynamictext* dynamictext-74]” without success.
Is there a syntax which won’t throw this error?
The problem has been posted and ignored in CF7-DTX Support Forum. Thought I would try to fix it but (before I go down a rabbit hole) just want to check whether this might be an issue with CF7 interpreting CF7-DTX syntax… Any idea?
]]>In step 1, ask for the email [your-email],
In step 3 (final), I want to use the “Additional Headers” section of the mail tab to set the reply-to (see below)
Reply-To: [your-name] <[your-email]>
Contact form 7 is throwing up a configuration error, though…
Invalid mailbox syntax is used in the Reply-To field
I believe this is happening because CF7 doesn’t know that the content of that field is coming from step 1.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
]]>First of all thank you for the best contact form ever!
I have a question on creating the mail form. I want to send the contact form to different recipients with a drop down menu. I have already read the support form on that. I used the code” [select your-recipient] ”
My question is setting up to “TO” Section on the Mail settings. When i input the short code which is “[your-recipient]” it gives me syntax error. In the support forum states ” You can use mail-tags in those fields, but be careful. When you use the mail-tag in the email address section of a mailbox, ensure that the mail-tag is ALWAYS replaced by an email address.”
What is supposed to mean by this. Especially with “ensure that the mail-tag is ALWAYS replaced by an email address.” How can i replace this by an email address?
Thank you for the help