Looking at my Mailchimp for woocommerce plugin logs, I am seeing this error pop up when submittting and order, leading me to believe valid email addresses are being flagged as invalid:
“2024-04-10T01:47:34+00:00 NOTICE validation.bad_email :: Order #2122 has an invalid email address. Skipping!.”
I have removed most plugins to check for other conflicts with no luck.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
]]>I have two questions:
On our site we’re using the Constant Contact integration with MailOptin. With some regularity we’ll get an error notification email with the subject:
Warning! "Elementor Form" Optin Campaign Is Not Working
In the body of the email we’ll see:
The optin campaign "Elementor Form" is failing to convert leads due to the following error "0: Signed API request has returned an error. HTTP error 400. Raw Provider API response: [{"error_key":"contacts.api.validation.error","error_message":"Email address is invalid"}].".
If, in fact, the email address really is “invalid” for whatever reason, or if there is another validation error, I’d say that the Optin Campaign is working great, in that it’s not letting spam or erroneous info into our Constant Contact email database. I this case I’m just fine with how this is functioning. Is there a way (a plugin hook or a parameter, etc.) whereby we can interrogate the “Raw Provider API response” and, depending on the error message, change the subject of the email to better reflect the reality of the situation (or perhaps put that message in the subject)? As it is now, the error notification email makes one think that this is broken and needs intervention, when, in fact, it does not.
The 2nd question has to do with receiving this message for an email address that appears to actually be valid. I just did a spot-check on a Gmail address that was submitted via our Newsletter signup form and it got this Email address is invalid
message, but all the checks I’ve done on the email address (including trying to do a Google account recovery) seem to suggest that it’s a deliverable, existing Gmail account. Do you know what/who/how this verification process comes to the conclusion that the email address is, in fact invalid?
By the way this is not the “Legacy” Constant Contact integration.
]]>I disabled security plugins and refreshed my page. Still not working.
We are using woocommerce square plugin to process order payments with square. We recently getting failed orders from real customers we believe using Apple Pay. It says invalid email address the reason to fail the order. So order status changes from pending to failed.
After the failed order some customer checked out using cc (not Apple Pay) and it was ok, but some customers we lost while they never tried again…
I tried to find the problem and I could recreate it. If I start to fill up the checkout page with my info (I added an email address (a different one from what I have setup on Apple pay) in my example) and then click on Apple Pay and make purchase with Face ID. Then it shows error msg: an error occurred, please try again or try an alternative form of payment. The checkout page is stuck and mouse hourglass keep circling.
In the same time as an administrator I’m getting a failed order email with all customers info filled up except the email address is missing, so all info was taken from Apple Pay except email address.
Sometimes these data fields already filled up with auto fill and if customer choose Apple Pay it wouldn’t go through.
In my opinion if someone click on Apple Pay, it doesn’t matter what info was already given by customer on checkout page it should be processed with all info associated with Apple pay included email address.
Please look into this issue we already lost several customers because of this. Thank you!
add_filter( ‘woocommerce_checkout_fields’ , ‘remove_spaces_in_email’ );
function remove_spaces_in_email( $fields ) {
$fields[‘billing’][‘billing_email’]= str_replace(‘ ‘,”,$fields[‘billing’][‘billing_email’]);
return $fields;
in wp-login.php when I enter something wrong in username or email field this message appears ‘Error: Invalid email address.’
I use Loco plugin for my site but I can’t find any thing for this case!
How can I translate this one to my language?
]]>When I test the subscription I get an Invalid email address. I tried on different personal email addresses.
I am using the browsers FireFox and Chrome.
The website is a part of a WordPress multisite.
Best regards
]]>I need help booking with the “restaurant reservation” plugin:
When a customer enters his information and is mistaken in the email address, the confirmation email is sent to the wrong address, but I am not informed by return mail.
Thus, I think I confirmed the reservation while the customer has never received a confirmation email.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you