I’m not sure if I am in the good section of the forum, but here’s the thing: I am developping my own WP theme for a website that needs to be available in 2 languages.
I have read several pages (in the Handbook for Devs, in this forum, in the web…), but I haven’t found what I am looking for. I started with what is written in here:
But, let’s be honest, to set his favourite language, the users of my website won’t be changing the wp-config.php by themselves…
So far, I have been thinking of 2 ways of doing it. Let’s call them “plan A” and “plan B”.
Plan A consist of:
1) the user sets his favourite language thanks to a <select>
2) the page is directly displayed with the good translations (with a javascript function), without reloading
3) the language preference is set in a cookie so when the user comes later, his favourite language is automatically set
This is the best UX I can think of. Yet I haven’t found any documentation about that. So I’ve come to a plan B :
1) the user sets his favourite language thanks to a <select>
2) in a JS file, the preference is set in a cookie, then the page reloads automatically
3) Thanks to the cookie, a PHP function (in the functions.php file of the theme) set the favourite language
In the best case, I’ll prefer the plan A, but the plan B is totally acceptable. What I need is, for both cases, how to “say” to WordPress “The language to be show is…”, or in another term, which JS (or PHP) function should I use (in my JS file, or functions.php respectively…)?
Thank you in advance for your help..
I just wanted to say that there are people around the world that use Yandex (especially because most of its sites has very decent English translations), so, naturally enough, I’m testing most of the Yandex features; Turbo was next on my list.
Other plugins seem to have Russian as the only option, which makes it harder for a non-Russian speaker to install and configure. Mihdan: Yandex Turbo Feed, however, is mostly translated to English as well (with some exceptions).
Installation is simple enough, you get a new option on the WordPress sidebar, where you can ‘Add Feeds’ or view feeds. This is a nice touch: I was expecting just one feed! This allows you to configure and experiment with several alternatives — saving them all — and then let Yandex pick the one you like best.
Each feed has several options to include in the RSS — besides the additional Yandex Turbo markup — which means you can have feeds just for comments, or posts with comments, posts with images, and so forth. It has a very reasonable amount of configuration options, but — and that’s also a plus! — it has good enough defaults if you feel overwhelmed with all the options (I was!).
After you create a feed, you get a new URL for it — usually something like https://your-website-address.tld/turbo/your-feed-name
— which you can copy & paste to the Yandex Turbo RSS validator. After half a minute or so, you should have a green message saying ‘No errors’, and your Turbo RSS feed should be operational. Of course, Yandex now needs to load all pages mentioned on the feed and start converting them to the Turbo version, which Yandex claims to take around 2 hours or so.
Also note that Yandex will not create a Turbo page for all your pages; as far as I can understand, even though it might process your Turbo-enhanced RSS, only those pages worth keeping will be ‘turbified’ — and that is done according to the ranking of each page in your site, and if they have been previously selected by Yandex to be worth keeping.
All-in-all, this is a very reasonable plugin that does what it claims to do and does it well. I just await the completion of the full English translation
I just translated your plugin into Spanish. However, I found two internationalization issues:
You need to replace this line:
<?php esc_attr_e( "Here's a temporary login link", 'temporary-login-without-p2ssword' ); ?>
For this one:
<?php esc_attr_e( "Here's a temporary login link", 'temporary-login-without-password' ); ?>
You need to replace this line:
echo " " . __( sprintf( '<a href="%s">Email</a> temporary login link to user', $mailto_link ), 'temporary-login-without-password' ); //phpcs:ignore
For this one:
echo " " . sprintf( __( '<a href="%s">Email</a> temporary login link to user', 'temporary-login-without-password' ), $mailto_link ); //phpcs:ignore
Hope this helps you to improve your excellent plugin
Kind regards,
I know that this plugin is not really being ‘improved’ any longer, but I noticed that, nevertheless, the community of translators has been busy. There are a few languages on translate.www.remarpro.com which are now completely translated (my mother language, Portuguese; but also Persian). Others have received a lot of new translations since last approved. However, they do not have those translations approved yet, which is a pity…
As the plugin developer, could you please at least go through all of those finished translations and approve them? Because, you know… while anyone can translate, nobody else can approve those translations but you…
Hopefully, that will get rid of the notice asking for translators…
Thank you in advance!
– Gwyn
]]>Any hints?
]]>It seems that adding our own translations to this plugin is next-to-impossible. The official WordPress translation website claims that This plugin is not properly prepared for localization.
I’ve also raised an issue on GitHub.
… and if you wish to get a copy of the Portuguese (European) translation, you can get them from GitHub as well
When there is no media in a buddypress group the follwing message appears after clicking on media:
Sorry !! There’s no media found for the request !!
This string can currently not be translated. I guess it’s not part of the .pot file.
]]>This is in my opinion the best predictive search plugin for Woocommerce, but since we like WPGLobus even more, we cannot use it on any shops that have more than one language.
]]>The code function retunes true and I get a new script tag inside the header. But the data passed to the wp.i18n.setLocaleData function is not matching what is inside the .json translation file.
And even if I execute the wp.i18n.setLocaleData function myself and pass all the data in directly as a string it does nothing.
I’m not sure wether it is something wrong with my code, the documentation or the actually way this is supposed to work.
Any help is much appreciated
$output = sprintf(
// Translators: 1 = subject, 2 = adjective.
__("The %s is %s.", $this->plugin_name)
$subject, $object
Is there a best practice way to do this in Javascript? I could use replace() fairly easily, but I wanted to know if there was a canonical solution.