Thank you for this plugin.
I am using the MC4WP form and this is the code:
<input id ="form-field-name" placeholder="???? ?????" type="text" name="FNAME" required>
<input id="form-field-email" placeholder="?????? ??????????" type="email" name="EMAIL" required>
<input type="hidden" name="NL_SOURCE" value="AGZ_NL">
<input type="hidden" name="CHANNEL" value="AGZ Footer NL" >
<select style="display:none" name="INTEREST">
<option value="Gaming" selected>Gaming</option>
<input id="co" type="hidden" name="USER_CC">
<input style="width:100%; background-color: #56074f; border-width:0px" class="elementor-button elementor-size-sm" type="submit" value="????????">
The input field with name = INTEREST is getting replaced in my Mailchimp dashboard for the same user, while it should be appended “added to pervious one”.
The settings are set to Replace interest groups? NO | Update existing subscribers? YES
]]>I tried adding interests to the WooCommerce checkout with this php snippet, but it does not show on checkout. Do I need to add aswell something else than this snippet or maybe I need to edit something of it (I am kinda lost)?
* This snippet adds the HTML for a MailChimp interest groups to your WooCommerce checkout.
//add_action( 'woocommerce_after_order_notes', 'mc4wp_show_interest_group_in_checkout' );
function mc4wp_show_interest_group_in_checkout() { ?>
<!-- Subscription Checkbox -->
<p class="mc4wp-checkbox mc4wp-checkbox-woocommerce">
<?php //<input type="checkbox" name="_mc4wp_subscribe_woocommerce" value="1"> ?>
<input type="checkbox" name="mc4wp-subscribe" value="1">
<span>Sign me up for the newsletter YAY!</span>
<!-- Interest Groups -->
<p class="form-row form-row " id="_mc4wp_subscribe_woocommerce_checkout_field">
<span>Choose the topic of your interest</span><br />
<label class="checkbox ">
<input name="mc4wp-INTERESTS[9881f4634e][]" type="checkbox" value="Yksityishenkil?"> <span>Yksityishenkil?</span>
<input name="mc4wp-INTERESTS[9881f4634e][]" type="checkbox" value="Yritys"> <span>Yritys</span>
]]>Since about August, I have noticed that the selected interest group (or property) does not check the correct group. A completely different property(s) is selected. Thus the automation stops running.
Anyone know what could be happening? I’ve lost so many leads.
]]>On the other hand, if set to custom value it only displays one of the three interests, is this an error or maybe not possible to do this way? Thank you
]]>First, thanks for a neat plugin to offload Google .js to the server and help with page speed optimization.
Question though – when I checked my Google Analytics, I’m not seeing any data for demographics and interest reporting. I know I can get that in Google Analytics Dashboard for WordPress, but I’ve disabled that plugins tracking mechanism in favor of your plugin. When I checked my GA account, I realized I’m not seeing any demographics or interests reporting.
Am I doing something wrong.
]]>I’m trying to segment multiple forms on my site using hidden interests however they don’t seem to be working when I conduct my testing. I’ve followed the instructions of adding my interest group to the form and added my default selection.
I’ve tried to log out and log in of my WordPress and MailChimp accounts. I’m considering re-establishing the API to see if that helps. I just don’t understand.
The example form is at the end of the page for the link I provided.
]]>I’m interested in transferring over from EDD (easy digital downloads) to Woocommerce but had a question.
Edds mailchimp addon offers the ability to add users into interest groups on a per product basis. Can this be done with this plugin?
I use this mainly to control my automation triggers as I’ve found the “bought this product” unreliable as Mailchimp didnt always register new product purchases.
I guess this brings me to a second question. How does mailchimp determine the product name on woocommerce products? I was planning on calling my woo products the exact same title as they use to be on edd. Will that cause issues as I’ll have a list of duplicate names in the “Purchased” list on mailchimp and no way to distinguish old edd from new woo products?
]]>Assuming that won’t work, I tried adding some code so that the single tick mark on the checkout page would automatically sign up the person to one particular group in the MailChimp list. If I add that code to my functions.php, the subscription doesn’t happen at all. Could you help me with the code?
I’m using Windows 10, Chrome browser.
My Form (which I don’t use, but set up to get the interest code):
<label>Email Address</label>
<input type=”email” name=”EMAIL” required=””>
<label>Communication Preferences: (Choose all that apply.)</label><br/>
<input name=”INTERESTS[d69e60bdf2][]” type=”checkbox” value=”5bf5fd71ff”> <span>Scott Brown’s Newsletter</span>
<input name=”INTERESTS[d69e60bdf2][]” type=”checkbox” value=”f84bb5eabf”> <span>Zohar Gonen’s Newsletter</span>
Here’s the code snippet I put in functions.php that broke the subscription process:
add_filter( ‘mc4wp_integration_woocommerce_subscriber_data’, function( MC4WP_MailChimp_Subscriber $subscriber ) {
// replace “interest-id” with the actual ID of your interest.
$subscriber->interests[ “5bf5fd71ff” ] = true;
// repeat for all interests you want to enable or disable
// $subscriber->interests[ “d69e60bdf2” ] = true;
// $subscriber->interests[ “d69e60bdf2” ] = false;
return $subscriber;
add_filter( 'mc4wp_integration_woocommerce_subscriber_data', 'woocommerce_mailchimp_bb', 10, 1);
function woocommerce_mailchimp_bb( $subscriber ) {
$subscriber->merge_fields[ "TOWN" ] = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['billing_city'] );
$subscriber->interests[ "aaa7c012dc" ] = true;
return $subscriber;
The TOWN merge field is working perfectly. But the subscribers interest is not being set.
The interest id is correct (it is normally a variable but I just hard-coded it for testing purposes).
And I have just installed the latest version of the plugin.
Do you have any suggestions?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I had a form with checkbox groups but after updating there are no lists appearing although status is connected. There was a message telling me to remove my groups and use the new method but I don’t see an option to choose “interest categories” in the form editor.