We are using v8.0 of the stripe plugin.
The error logs indicate the following error;
Error: The information for creating and confirming the intent is missing the following data: payment_method.
We have tried legacy mode, which produces a different error, but payment also fails “Payment processing failed. Please retry.”
Please can someone advise?
]]>It started happening lately in past few days, every second this plugin initiates setup intent api calls to stripe, about at least 30 per second and then stripe responds to the calls which results in our site getting down due to 504 gateway error (too much load on server).
Screenshot: https://prnt.sc/MpYDiBo7_w3e
Pastebin log: https://pastebin.com/vK4ZA5L8
Latest version of this plugin and woocommerce plugin is installed.
]]>I recently set up GiveWP and tried testing the donation feature for Stripe and received this error message: Error: Error creating payment intent with Stripe. Please try again.
Based on previous users’ experience here, I tried figuring out what could be causing the issue using the Health Check plugin but for some reason, I’m unable to load my website in Troubleshoot mode.
Can someone please help me?
]]>I’m having difficulty with getting a Popup Form to show only when someone attempts to exit the page.
I have selected Display on all pages and Display on all posts/products.
When I said Display with a delay of 0 it just instantly shows, so I have put it to 240sec so a user most likely would not receive this popup because they would be clicking through several pages.
I have also turned on “Exit-intent display”, but whenever I move my mouse to the Browser bar it doesn’t trigger the popup.
Is this meant to work in a different way? Does MailPoet require a separate Popup plugin that allows exit-intent popups?
]]>I am not sure how to resolve it as I just downloaded the plugin, I dont know why it would not be working. Any help would be appreciated.
]]>I am not sure how to resolve it as I just downloaded the plugin, I dont know why it would not be working. Any help would be appreciated.
]]>I have Presponsive Menu Pro.
I am wondering if there is any way to reduce the length of indent for sub-menu.
Currently, the indent on sub-menu is too much that it cuts off the lower level menu text. I have tried to use the ‘word wrap’ function but not only it looks really ugly but it is hard to navigate because of the number of sub-menu and size.
Please let me know. Thank you very much.